This design is a fun way to learn origami and it’s a little challenging so you won’t get bored. I separated the tutorial into three instructions at a time to make this as easy as possible. What you will need: 1 Dollar Bill Tips: I used blue lines and dots to show you where the folds should be howw. The dotted lines are where the crease should be and the blue circles are where 2 or more creases come. Make sure the creases are folded tight! Grab your dollar, here we go. Grab the bottom right corner and fold it left to line up flush with the left .
Make a Lid for your Origami Gift Box
Celebrate the grads by giving them a fun and charming gift! Such a charming way to congratulate the grads in your life! Bringing leis to the graduation ceremony has become kind of a tradition and what better gift than adding some cash to it in the shape of money origami butterflies! Butterflies represent the different cycles in life, change and joy… so perfect for grads! For this cute grad idea, we simply made some little butterflies and tied them to a fresh lei. So easy, but cute and unique. A money origami butterfly is the symbol of a new beginning, of beauty and a love of nature! A money origami gift is perfect for someone getting engaged or married, to celebration their transformation into a new life. Baby showers can be full of butterflies. A new job works wonders with a money origami butterfly as well. It teaches focus and a level of patience. Creative Gift Ideas with Stubhub. Origami Money Flowers by Spruce Crafts. If you have tried this money Origami Butterfly Lei or any other project on Sugar and Charm, then please rate it and let me know how it turned out in the comments below! This tutorial was awesome! Wish you had more. Your email address will not be published. Recipe Rating. Share Tweet Pin Email. Jump to Recipe Pin it. Origami Money Butterflies. Prep Time: 5 minutes. Cook Time: 30 minutes. Total Time: 35 minutes.
Introduction: Origami Gift Box
Taking the time to creatively package a present shows the recipient that you put as much effort into selecting the gift as possible. If you learn how to fold a simple origami gift box, you’ll be able to make beautiful wrappings for a variety of small gifts. The easy origami gift box featured in this tutorial is a traditional design known as a masu box. A masu was originally a square box used to measure rice in Japan during the feudal period. Today, masu boxes are mostly used for drinking sake. To make your paper origami box, you will need two sheets of square paper. Scrapbook paper is preferred for this project because it is slightly thicker and gives you a sturdier box. You can choose matching papers for the base and the lid or pick two patterns that are slightly different to add a bit of contrast to the project. To begin the origami gift box, fold the paper in half horizontally. Unfold, then fold in half vertically. Unfold to reveal a cross-crease pattern. Fold each corner into the center until your paper looks like the model pictured in the photo to the left. Fold the top and bottom sides to the center of the paper as shown in the photo to the left. Open the two corners diagonal to each other, leaving the other two corners folded in. Use your forefingers to coax the corner folds in, pulling the third edge upwards. Tuck the top flap in to form the side of the box. Repeat on the opposite side to complete the box. If you are planning to use the box to give a gift that is heavy, secure the flaps with a glue stick or a bit of double-sided tape for added reinforcement. Decorate your origami gift box as desired. The origami heart, origami lotus flower frame , and origami Christmas star ornament are all great accents for the lid of this simple paper box. If you’re in a hurry, you could just tie a pretty bow using a grosgrain ribbon in a coordinating color. If you have origami paper from models that didn’t turn out quite as planned, unfold the paper and run it through a paper shredder for eco-friendly packing material that will make sure tiny gifts aren’t damaged in transit. This card uses the box folding method you learned in this tutorial to create the lid, then folds the second sheet of paper to make a base that doubles as a card. The resulting box is slightly larger than a standard origami gift box, which makes it appropriate for presenting bigger gifts. How to Fold an Origami Gift Box. Make the Initial Folds. Fold the Top and Bottom Sides. Fold the Left and Right Sides.
Christmas Money Folding
Hey guys, here is a very easy to make, awesome and very useful paper origami gift box or can be used as any other storage box. Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Add a Teacher Note to share how you incorporated it into your lesson. Start with a square piece of the paper, white side up. Fold the paper in half horizontally and vertically, so that the crease looks like the picture shown. Fold the top and the bottom of the square into the center and open out again to create these creases. Repeat the 7th and 8th step at the other end of the model, so you have the new creases at both ends as shown. At one end of the of the model, open out the model along the creases you just made. This will raise the top portion of the model vertically. Participated in the squeeze more awesome out of summer contest. This is practical origami at its finest! And there are so many possibilities to make it fun, too! I made little 2″ square boxes like this for little mints at my wedding. They were pretty cute, I thought. If I thought I could dig up a pic of ’em if they even exist , I’d post it. Would be a little scared if I have actual boxes still kicking around, but one never knows! Could use them as decorations on a larger tree. Or put eensy weensy gifts in them. I can probably take a pic of those Reply 5 years ago on Introduction. Introduction: Origami Gift Box. By Ayushi Sharma Follow. More by the author:. It just takes around minutes to make the box and can also be made in any size you want. So, get some paper and start making this amazing box.. Add Teacher Note.
How To Make A Money Origami Butterfly Lei – Step By Step
You can make this origami gift box whatever size you like, square or rectangular. It’s easy! Just follow my video instructions The cool thing about this origami box design is that you can make it any kind of square mke rectangular shape. Here’s a long, skinny box that I made using the exact same design:. A long box like this would be the perfect size for a necklace or a row of chocolate truffles.
To begin with, I’ll show you how to make a «normal» rectangular box the same size as the strawberry one in the photo at the top of this page. Further down the page I’ll show you how to make a long skinny box, or how to make a box whatever size and shape you want. Start with a sheet of card or paper. I like to use scrapbooking card, which is about as thick as the stuff greeting cards are made.
It makes nice solid gift boxes. Draw the pattern below on your piece of card. Basically it’s just a 9″ by 7″ rectangle ruled with a 2″ border.
Mark in pencil so you can rub it off later! If the video doesn’t display, you might hoow to download the free Adobe flash player. If the video keeps starting and stopping, then the best thing to do is pause it and come back in 5 hlw when it’s finished loading.
You make the lid exactly the same was as you made the box, but with a slightly different sized piece of card. You’ll want a 7.
Now that you’ve made a «normal» sized box, have a go making some in different sizes. You can make them the perfect size to fit your gift Here are the dimensions for making a slender box like oriigami blue one in the photo further up the page: For the base, use a 10″ by 5″ piece of card, ruled with a 1. For the lid, use a 9. What about other shapes and sizes?
Well, you just need to draw a rectangle the right size. Here’s a diagram showing you how:. This design works best when your box is at least 1″ or greater in height. For smaller heights it gets quite fiddly. The thickness of the border will end up being the height of the box. The length and width of the smaller rectangle in the middle will be the length and width of the final box.
It’s a bit tricky to explain but hopefully you get the idea How did your origami gift box turn out? If you have any comments or suggestions, or gjft want to say hi, you can contact me directly with this handy form.
Shop Anniversary Birthday. Any-size Origami Gift Box Instructions. Gift Box with Lid. Simple Gift Bag Template. Gable Gift Bag Template. Comments Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box. Find the perfect project
Origami Gift Box Instructions
This design was adapted from the classic Magazine Box. Once done, you can put coins inside. Start with a crisp dollar bill with the black-side facing up. Fold in half lengthwise, then fold into quarters. Origammi fold the four corners as shown. Take the raw edge of the dollar bill and fold it over twice. First, fold the raw edge of the dollar bill so it meets with the edges of the triangular flaps made. Slide your fingers under the layers of paper and lift up. Allow the left tk right sides of the box to lift up and. Allow the top and bottom sides of the box to fold up and in.
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