Filter by location techician see Pharmacy Technician salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 24, salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Pharmacy Technician employees. Is this helpful? Pharmacy Technician Salaries in California. Company Sizes. Years of Experience. Average Base Pay. Not enough reports to show salary distribution. Additional Cash Compensation. How much does a Pharmacy Technician make?
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Is this helpful? Below are the most recent Pharmacy Technician salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity. Company Sizes. Years of Experience. Average Base Pay. Not enough reports to show salary distribution. Additional Cash Compensation. Are you paid fairly? Get a free, personalized salary estimate based on today’s market. Get Your Estimate. Notify me of new jobs. Create Alert. Filter by Location. Search for Specific Employer. Employer name. Pharmacy Technician — Hourly.
Salary and Outlook
Pharmacy technicians have careers that involve patient interaction, pharmaceutical knowledge, and administrative acumen. They perform tasks that cross over administrative, computer software and customer service lines, and the career field has plenty of opportunities available for those with a certificate or degree and some clinical experience. As such, salaries for pharmacy technicians have potential, just like the career field itself. On top of salary, many techs receive additional employer benefits in terms of future education, healthcare and support in securing professional certifications. The U. Pharmacy Technician. Top 10 percent generally refers to workers who have a number of years’ experience and have earned a degree and professional certification from accredited agencies or associations. Location may also play a factor in higher salaries, with metropolitan areas paying better than small towns or rural areas. The profession is also on the rise, according to the BLS. The field has an anticipated growth rate of 12 percent through When you consider the national average for all occupations’ growth is less than this, you can see there is potential in pursuing a pharmacy technician career and finding work. The total number of jobs expected to be added nationally is 47, for the same time period. This growth rate is attributed to the increasing demand for pharmaceuticals by older populations. Not only do the pharmaceutical companies continue bringing newer drugs to market, but the overall demand is increasing due to the fact that WWII’s baby boom generation is nearing or passing retirement age and will be experiencing age-related illnesses that require medication. Here are the BLS top states and cities for employment of pharmacy technicians, and what their mean annual wage is. States with the highest mean annual wage. Highest paying mean annual wage cities for pharmacy technicians. Pharmacy technicians work in many different environments. Here is a look at some of the most common:. Big-Box Stores : Stores such as Costco offer pharmaceutical services to their customers. Costco, in particular, does a large volume of pharmaceutical business due to its price incentives. Pharmacy techs can also find work in mass-merchandising chains such as Walmart, Kmart, Target and Sam’s Club. Grocery Stores : In response to the growing demand for prescriptions and ease of access by consumers, grocery stores have started housing their own pharmacy departments.
How Much Does a Pharmacy Technician Make?
Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Certified pharmacy technician Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does a Certified Pharmacy Technician make in California? Most common benefits Prescription drug insurance Pet insurance Employee discount Paid time off Stock purchase plan View more benefits. Where can a Certified Pharmacy Technician earn more? Compare salaries for Certified Pharmacy Technicians in different locations. Explore Certified Pharmacy Technician openings Compare. Top companies for Certified Pharmacy Technicians in California. Ford of Londonderry. LanceSoft Inc. Highest paying nearby cities for Certified Pharmacy Technicians. Most common benefits for Certified Pharmacy Technicians. Salary satisfaction. How much do similar professions get paid? Pharmacy Technician. Average salary.
Pharmacy Tech Salary — How Much Money Does a Pharmacy Tech Make?
Find jobs Company reviews Tecunician salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Pharmacy technician Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does a Pharmacy Technician make in California? Most common benefits Prescription drug insurance Employee discount Free health screenings Family leave Bereavement leave View more benefits. Where can a Pharmacy Technician earn more? Compare salaries for Pharmacy Technicians in different locations. Explore Pharmacy Technician openings Compare. Best-paid skills and qualifications for Pharmacy Technicians. Top skills Aseptic Technique. Top specialties Nuclear Medicine. Top licenses LVN. Salaries by qualifications. Techician Specialties Licenses.
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