Your privacy is important to us. We have updated our privacy policy to better explain how we use data on this site. Read it. Political trends come and go, but the classics endure. Such is the case with a chain email PolitiFact Ohio received to start the new year. When we received a nearly identical version a couple of years ago, we said it could be «a new classic of the genre. We examined one of the special perks mentioned in the email, that «the staffers of Congress family members are exempt from having to pay back student loans. We gave the statement a rating of Pants on Fire mudh it was and is ridiculously false.
Average Pay
Many members of Congress live with a roommate. The ones who do all tell the same story: Washington D. This is the simple part of the question. Members of the U. This is the same amount of money that members of the House of Representatives receive. This pay scale, while generous compared to the average American income, is actually quite low relative to the level of accomplishment for a typical member of Congress. It’s also, less surprisingly, quite a bit lower than how much the president makes. Lawyers who transition into government service take an enormous reduction in potential income, at least during their years in office. This holds true for most professionals.
Most Recent Raise
The US does not have a uniform method for determining how much legislators earn annually. Political encyclopedia Ballotpedia analyzed the salaries of state representatives from all 50 states to see who makes the most and who makes the least. Calculating and comparing how much politicians are paid isn’t straightforward. Some states shell out standard annual salaries, while others determine pay based on how many days a politician works. And even the definition of «a day» varies throughout the US when it comes to calculating pay for politicians, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures NCSL : In some places it’s simply a calendar day, while other states only count «legislative days,» when legislators are actually in session — which also differs from state to state. Other states have part-time legislators around the equivalent of half of a full-time job , which pay either lower annual salaries as in Maine or a day-rate as in Montana. Still other states are defined as «hybrid» legislatures — per NCSL , state representatives in these places generally spend the equivalent of over two-thirds of a full time job being legislators. Keep reading to find out how much state representatives earn around the country, ranked in ascending order of pay. Note that this information, which only includes base salaries and not varying per diem rates, is current as of Ballotpedia’s last available update on March 1, The legally-nonpartisan and unicameral Nebraska Legislature has a majority of Republican-affiliated members. Republicans have a majority in the Minnesota Senate, but Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives. Alaska’s House of Representatives is independent, but Republicans have a majority in the state’s Senate. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person’s head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile. Login Subscribe. My Account. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. New Hampshire. New Mexico. North Dakota. South Carolina. South Dakota. North Carolina. Rhode Island. West Virginia. New Jersey.
Congressional Salaries
All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Salary and Pay Rates. Political Office Holders. How much money does a state congressman make?
We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! Related Questions Asked in Salary and Pay Rates How much money does the legislative assistant to a state congressman make? Asked in US Congress How much money does a us congressman make? Both U. Senators and U. I found this answer at www.
It depends on the state you live in. Asked in Salary and Pay Rates How much money does a state policeman make a year? Depends on the state and the officers experience. Some of them who are higher up such as the Speaker of the House, majority and minority leaders make. Asked in State Laws How much money are you allowed to make before having to file taxe returns in new york state?
Asked in US Congress How much money does a state senator make? Asked in Wendy’s How much money can you make at Wendy’s? It is believed that state representatives make a lot of money each year. Asked in Salary and Pay Rates How much money does the attorney general make a year? Which Attorney General? Of your state? The U.
A state trooper makes an average of 45, dollars a year. State troopers have opportunity to work overtime and make even more money. How much money does directors make?
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The US House of Representatives. How Does it Work?
Following a day government shutdown, another round of kick-the-can when it comes to the U. I know from a personal perspective I’m not too pleased with the effort either party has put in over the past couple of years, but three polls since speak wonders to the amount of vitriol directed at Congress. As Sen. Michael Bennet D-Colo. These aforementioned poll-takers put it into even how much money doesa congressman make a year context by asking Americans what their opinion was of Congress relative to other unfavorable ideas, people, and tasks. According to their results, Congress is viewed less favorably by the public than dog poop, hemorrhoids, traffic jams, cockroaches, lines at the DMV, zombies, herpes, banks, Brussels sprouts, the IRS, used-car salesmen, and Wall Street. However, by some saving grace, Congress has remained in a better light than Miley Cyrus. While the results are understandably comical, they’re also incredibly sad. Because Congress is in control of setting the laws that individuals and corporations are governed by. As I discussed in June, public perception can be a dangerous tool that can destroy stock market rallies even if companies are delivering solid growth prospects. A prolonged government shutdown and debt default would portend bad news for both major U. However, what could be most disconcerting thing of all are the perks members of Congress get as a «thank you» for serving their country. I’ve highlighted countless company perks over the years that companies grant their employees, and some did involve exorbitant pay packages, free gym memberships, and hefty retirement plans. But there are few company perks that compare with these 10 taken. Free airport parking How much would you pay for an airport parking spot that was directly next to the terminal you landed at?
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