Last Updated on January 14, However, if you want to make real, life-changing money from your blog fast, you have to start thinking like a CEO and developing systems to scale your blog like a startup, not a hobby. And what did I learn? If you genuinely want to scale your blog like a startup, you need to remove writing almost entirely from the process. The entire male I created this blog was to abandon this outdated advice and update your tactics for Disclaimer: This article includes affiliate links which may provide a small commission to me at no cost to you.
Is it legit?
These are just some of the most common question bloggers at various levels ask when it comes to monetizing their blog. In this mega guide to making money from blogging, you will learn all the aspects that will help you get started. These methods are based on my 11 years of professional blogging experience. I have also shared screenshots of payments of a few income streams to give you a wider perspective. If this is your first time here at ShoutMeLoud, I recommend you to read our about page to know what I do Opens in a new tab. A few years back, blogging was just another hobby that some people did in addition to working full-time jobs. Today, blogging still functions in that way, but a lot has changed. There are various other factors like consistency, your network, personal motivation and goal also contribute a lot. However, niche and your digital marketing skills alone can help you move really fast in the field of blogging. You can browse other articles of ShoutMeLoud to learn more about mindset and motivation, but in this guide, we will purely focus on making money from the blog. Just to make things easier for you, I have answered many frequently asked questions related to blogging at the end of this guide. There are various methods that you can use to monetize your blog.
My Story Of Making Money Blogging
Are you wondering how to make money blogging? Several years ago I realized bloggers were making money. In some cases, they were making great money! Many of them seemed like regular people, just like me. How exactly were they doing it? And could I make money blogging too? This post contains affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may make a commission. And remember, blogging is a relatively new phenomenon so there are no fancy degrees to get or formal hoops to jump through. We are regular people who simply figured it out. You can too. Caveat 2: There are not-so-legit people and shady practices in every industry. Blogging is no different. Stay away from both. As in any legit business, you have to work. It takes a lot of hours per week to build and maintain a quality blog. Starting a blog today and making a full-time income within a few months is unrealistic. There is simply too much too learn and too much to build your site, your content library, your social media presence, your trustworthiness, relationships with readers, etc. I squeezed blogging into the cracks of life for many years and it now brings in steady income. If you have some time, it is well worth the effort. It varies widely. A few bloggers make millions of dollars a year. Others, like me, make a healthy full-time income. Some make less, and many make no money at all. In this way, blogging is no different than other industries music, acting, retail, corporate business, etc. A select few make a lot and it trickles down from there. Solid numbers about blogging incomes are hard to come by.
Do people really make money blogging?
Around this time last year, Ben and I finally got around to starting our Facebook group. Needless to say, some of the ensuing answers we got really surprised me. I came away learning two important things:. Rather, we sort of fell into blogging on accident. My business partner, Ben, and I started our business in Originally, it began as an investment membership site: people would pay us for detailed stock market analysis and specific insight as to where they should invest their money. Blogging was slow moving for us at first, but we kept reading, learning from others, and testing strategy after strategy until, finally, we figured it out :. That first little hint of success was all the motivation we needed to keep going. From there, we were able to grow our income each month well, most months. Now, we have two websites this one and a personal finance site , and another in the works. That, and how long does it take to make money blogging. These are some of the first two questions we hear from every new blogger. The thing about blogging is that there are no limitations — there are a thousand ways to make money blogging. The freedom to travel, work from anywhere, be your own boss, and not have to stress about money. I want you to go into this with a level head and the mindset for success. There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to blogging and how bloggers make money, so allow me to drop some real truth bombs about what blogging is actually like as a career. No one cares.
Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads
A blogger is a person who posts information on blogs for people to consume. That is the best blogger meaning or blogger definition out. The key word there is information. You can blog from hkw. Whether you are in NigeriaSouth Africa, Ghana, India, United states or anywhere at all, in this article, you will learn bloggnig to make money blogging.
Blogging is all about sharing information. From News to technology, games, videos, finance, gossip and all maje. If you are sharing any of these information on a blog then you are a blogger. So a success blogger is in other words a successful information distributor. This article is suitable for those looking for how to make money with a blog for beginners.
Gone are the days when becoming a blogger was just to kill boredom. Now, becoming a blogger is very lucrative. Bloggers are rich, powerful and influential people in our world. If you are looking for a good career that will give you time, space and money, then you should consider becoming a blogger.
But blogging has become very competitive as more and more people try to make money blogging. However, no matter how competitive it has become, you can become a successful blogger if you follow what is written in this article.
They just open a howw and start blogging and nothing. That means if you start blogging today and you follow some basic instructions, you will already fly above these people. Hoow is not very difficult when you have a plan and follow best practice. Of course I have koney blogs where I generated tens of thousands of dollars.
But no matter how successful I have become in blogging, I always follow the basic rules. I will share these with you. First, if you lbog to create a blog, we have written a step by step guide that you should follow to create a blog. With that guide, you should be able to create a blog in about 20 minutes. Follow these steps to to make bloging blogging in Nigeria, Ghana, United states or anywhere in the world.
The first step to become a successful blogger is to pick a niche topic that you are passionate and good at. This is very important in order to have a profitable blog.
If you are good and passionate about game, open a gaming blog that is primary focused on game. No matter the niche you are good on, start from. In future when you have established, you can venture into other niches. When you blog about a niche that you are good and passionate about, it becomes easier to write content because you know it all. Your motivation level will also be otday because that is what you love.
There is nothing wrong with blogging for money but you have to ,ake sure that you balance that by give your readers good contents. When you are launching your WordPress blog, we makf that you pick a good hosting company that is fast and with good customer support.
Speed is very important in blogging. Nobody loves a slow loading blog. Neither do Google or other search engines.
A fast blobging blog will help you rank high. And the speed starts from your hosting. Also a a good customer support is important because you may run into trouble and need help. In our guide, we recommend Hostgatorthey are a very mmake web hosting company with good customer support. For this blog, we are currently using InMotion hosting. They are fast with good support. We have hpw tried NameCheap in the past and they are good. Any of these is fast with good support. Blue Host is also popular among bloggers.
Another thing that will impact your speed is the WordPress theme or blogger template that you use. You need a fast and clean theme. The theme bloggihg use can greatly affect your speed.
So make sure you use tools like Google speed insight and Pingdom to test any theme before you purchase. Pay a very big attention, if you want to become successful at blogging and make money bloging, originality is very important! This is bloggnig a lot of bloggers fail.
They open a blog and start copying and pasting post from other bloggers. You may fool your readers but you cannot fool Google and other search engines. Google and other search engines spend so much money to fight plagiarism, so, they are ahead of the game. In no time, you will be found out and your blog marked as spam. That will be the end of the love from mohey engine. Your traffic will begin to go. We use our many years of experience and where necessary consult big experts in the field to put out educative and informative contents to help people make money.
Note that, Google and other search engines have tools that allows people report duplicate contents to. They sees it, and go to Google and report you, toeay less than 24 hours, Google will check and remove your link from their search. If 5 or more report comes against you and they investigate and bloggig it is valid, your blog maybe marked as spam. It is very dangerous to be marked as spam by Google. Because one of the best way to make money blogging is via Google adsense, which is also owned by Google.
Although it cannot be established, but being marked as spam might likely have effect on your Google adsense. You never know. Google and other search engine love original makw. They will reward you for it with more traffic. Original content also tells Google that you are not just another blog, that you bloggging have good information to share. It makes you authoritative. If you ever have to copy a paragraph from a anther blog in your article, make sure you give them credit.
Google will see it and not penalize you. Unless you are in the news niche where quotes and press release are sometimes the same, you sould by no means use duplicate content. SEO means search engine optimization. To simply put SEO is the way in which you try to improve your traffic from Search engines.
As you may already know, the most important traffic for bloggers and businesses are those from search engine. That is because they are targeted traffic.
Search engine traffic has the potential to make you more money than any other traffic. And it will give ho blog more mmoney and leverage than any other traffic. Advertisers love blogs with lots of organic traffic. Meanwhile, traffic from search engine are generally called organic traffic. There are plugins that will guide and help you. Yoast is the most popular glogging over 5 million downloads.
And guess what? We use yoast here at MakeMoney. It is not just okay to write a blog post and click publish. Use any of these plugin and follow the instructions when posting to optimize your article and help it perform well on search engine. Here tday example of Yoast box. Then click on Focus keyword.
Set a keyword for the post you are targeting. The plugin will automatically bring up suggestions for you to try. Try out those suggestions in red and at least get an average green light on the top bar.
That shows your on page SEO is good and well optimized for that post. Here is how the focus keyword box looks when you click blogginh it, note that we are yet to set the focus keyword for this post in this screenshot.
Here is how it looks like once you click on focus keyword. The importance of this is to optimize your post and help search engine understand it. The suggestions are helpful and has the potential to help your article rank high in search engine if you do. Most new bloggers just install the yoast plugin or any other SEO plugin and that is it. It is not enough bloggint open a blog, drop five post, disappear for a month, come back, drop one post and disappear .
Do people really make money blogging?
On this page I want to walk you through the process of how to make money blogging. In I began to blog one day on impulse after seeing another blog and being fascinated by the medium. I had no experience or profile in the online space, no technical ability and while I had done some public speaking had done very little in the way of communicating through the written word. While this is pretty obvious it is also a stumbling block for many PreBloggers who come to the idea of blogging with little or no technical background. It was my story too and most bloggers start out feeling a little overwhelmed by the process of starting their blog. If you need a little help I would highly recommend you check out my article How to Start a Blog in which I run through the steps you need to take to get up and running. What you choose to create will depend a little on the topic that you choose to write about on that note, most successful bloggers have some focus to their blogging whether that be a niche or a demographic that they write. The key with creating content is to make it as useful as possible. There are thousands of articles and podcast episodes on ProBlogger about how to create content. See our latest stuff in the content category on our blog and on the podcast. Also check out some of these popular articles on different aspects of creating content. As you create the most useful content that you possibly can it is easy to get very insular with your focus and spend most of your time looking at building your blog. If you want to make money from your blog you need to not only focus upon building a great blog but it is also necessary to get off your blog and to start promoting it. Begin to list where they might be gathering:. Each of these places that you reader might already be gathering has opportunities to develop a presence whether that be by leaving good comments, offering to create guest posts or simply by being helpful and answering questions. With this list of blogs, focus, podcasts, social media accounts in hand you will have some good spots to begin to hang out and create value. How to make money blogging blog today key is to build a presence, to add value, to foster relationships — not to engage in spammy practices. See our latest posts and podcasts on finding readers in the finding readers section of the podcast and here on the blog. Here are a few other links to check out on the topic:. At this point you need to switch your focus to engaging with those readers and building community. One of the biggest misconceptions that I see how to make money blogging blog today having about monetising blogs is that they have to do it in one of a handful of ways.
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