Luckily, there are some ways to make money with little to no effort. Credit cards often offer cash back as a reward for making purchases. What this means is, for every purchase you make, the credit card company will give you a small percentage of the money. The percentage differs between credit cards and categories. So, for example, one type of credit card might offer 1. An app called Inn can help you figure out which credit card is best for a particular category. You also often have to reach a certain threshold of payment to be able to cash in. And cards will often allow you to redeem your cash back as «points» to purchase things directly from the credit card company’s website instead. It’s generally a really bad idea to try to play the stock market unless you’re a financial professional. There’s one exception: index funds.
Written by Tom East 15 August The PC strategy classic is now available on PS4 — get off to a great start with this city-building guide, direct from the developers. Cities: Skylines has been a big hit on PC. Originally released in , it shifted 3. From roads to residential property and even sewage, there’s so much to think about. That’s before you’ve even considered building a football stadium — you know you want to. The superb strategy game is now out on PS4, so to help you get off to a good start in this superb strategy game, here are five top tips from Colossal Order. Make sure to keep those citizens happy. Cater to these and you will not only be able to grow your city as the rumours about how happy your population are spread, but you will also earn more money! To satisfy your citizens and increase their happiness you will need to respond to their needs. There are different needs for each zoned category: Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Office Zones. Occupants of the residential zones need to feel safe, have a clean environment with no pollution, good healthcare, education possibilities and leisure opportunities. Commercial areas have many of the same needs as residential areas but also require a strong supply of goods — either locally produced or imports. They will also need educated workers to get their business going, and a few nice parks here and there for having their lunch breaks outside. The Industrial areas will need services including fire stations and security, good access to raw materials in order to manufacture products, and commercial areas to be able to sell their goods. Good traffic flow for effective supply chains will also boost your business. Cities: Skylines has a water simulation which means the waste water from sewage pipelines will float away with the water stream. Small arrow markers in the water will indicate in which direction the water flows so make sure you observe those before starting any massive pipeline digging projects. If you place the fresh water pumps essential for your citizens downstream of the sewage pumps you will start pumping raw sewage into the water supply of hospitals, residential areas and so on. Sickness will occur and spread rapidly across your whole city, killing your citizens within a few hours! City policies for the win. In Cities: Skylines you can steer different parts of the city with different policies. It is not only a great tool to create diversified city areas but also a feature to increase land value, make your citizens happier and earn more money to create an even better and bigger city. Once you have created a district you can start choosing between a wide variety of policies that will only affect that specific district. For example, for increased land value in residential areas, why not use an education boost, use recycling, high-tech housing and add some park and recreation services? Infrastructure is important.
1. Make sure to keep those citizens happy
Downtown is a term primarily used in North America by English-speakers to refer to a city’s commercial, cultural and often the historical, political and geographic heart, and is often synonymous with its central business district CBD. It is marked by a cluster of tall buildings, cultural institutions and the convergence of rail transit and bus lines. The two terms are used interchangeably in Canada. The Oxford English Dictionary ‘s first citation for «down town» or «downtown» dates to , in reference to the center of Boston. During the late 19th century, the term was gradually adopted by cities across the United States and Canada to refer to the historical core of the city, which was most often the same as the commercial heart of the city. In both cases, though, the directionality of both words was lost, so that a Bostonian might refer to going «downtown», even though it was north of where they were. Downtown lay to the south in Detroit, but to the north in Cleveland, to the east in St. Louis, and to the west in Pittsburgh. In Boston, a resident pointed out in , downtown was in the center of the city. Notably, «downtown» was not included in dictionaries as late as the s. Even as late as the early part of the 20th century, English travel writers felt it necessary to explain to their readers what «downtown» meant.
2. Don’t put your water pump downstream from your sewage outlets
Real estate can be a very lucrative investment, but it requires a huge time commitment, patience, and most importantly, cash. While there are options for novice investors to get into real estate, the big returns are found in the big investments — for example, buying and managing a multi-unit building or fixing up a single-family home and selling it for a profit. Before getting in to any type of real estate investment, get the rest of your financial house in order — establish an emergency fund , pay off consumer debt , and automate your retirement savings. Real estate is a particularly expensive investment, so you need to have cash on hand for a down payment or to buy the property outright and a reserve to dip into if and when something needs fixing, which should be entirely separate from your everyday emergency fund. If you want to wade into real estate, investing in a real estate investment trust REIT will provide exposure to the market without the time and cost commitment of buying your own property. Equity REITs, the most common type of REIT, allow investors to pool their money to fund the purchase, development, and management of real estate properties. An R EIT focuses on a specific type of real estate, such as apartment complexes, hospitals, hotels, or malls. Ninety percent of annual earnings — usually in the form of rental income — are returned to the investors as dividends. If you want to keep your investment liquid, stick to publicly traded REITs. You can buy shares through a brokerage firm, IRA , or k. If you’re willing to part ways with your money for the potential to earn greater returns, consider investing in the private real estate market through an online broker like Fundrise. Fundrise helps you invest in real estate projects around the US without having to actually manage them. Investors can choose a portfolio to invest in based on their goals — either supplemental income, balanced investing, or long-term growth — and earn dividends quarterly. Fundrise says its platform is best for investors who have a time horizon of at least five years. If you do plan on buying your own investment property , start by getting to know the local market — or better yet, stay in your own neighborhood. In short: Do your research. Successful real estate investing is as much about what you know as who you know, said Boston-based realtor and real estate investor Dana Bull. Build a team of real estate agents, contractors, attorneys, and accountants who can all help your business run smoothly, she said. A simple strategy can go a long way in real estate investing. If your goal is to generate passive income, don’t be fooled into believing you need to go big to make it happen. E arly retiree and real estate investor Chad Carson of CoachCarson. Buying a single-family home and renting it out will only generate income if overhead costs are low. If your tenant’s rental payment doesn’t cover the mortgage , insurance, taxes, and maintenance, you’re effectively losing money. Ideally, your monthly mortgage payment will be relatively fixed, while rent prices rise, increasing the amount of money you pocket over time. You can even shop for rental properties online through a site like Roofstock , which allows sellers of vacant homes primed for renters to list their properties, facilitates the buying process, and assigns a property manager to the new buyer. Carson got started in real estate investing through a strategy he calls «house-hacking.
Big City Stories Review PS4 (2016)
The game is the tenth instalment in the Grand Theft Auto series and the sixth in the 3D universe. This was also the last game in the series to use well-known and Hollywood voice talent; Grand Theft Auto IV onward would instead use lesser-known voice actors. Vice City is a representation of Miami, Florida. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is an action-adventure game set in an open world environment and played from a third-person perspectivestructured similarly to other releases from the Grand Theft Auto series. The core gameplay consists of elements of a third-person shooter and a driving game, affording the player a large environment in which to move. On foot, the player’s character is capable of walking, running, swimming, jumping, as well as using weapons and basic hand-to-hand combat. The player can drive a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, boats, planes, helicopters, jet-skis and motorcycles. The open, non-linear environment allows the player to explore and choose how they wish to play the game. Although storyline missions are necessary to progress through the game and unlock certain areas and content, they are not required, as the player can complete them at their own leisure. When not taking on a storyline mission, the player can freely roam game’s world. The player can also partake in a variety of optional side missions. The traditional side missions of the past games are included, but have been moderately upgraded and enhanced compared to previous titles. A new addition to the game is «Beach Patrol», in which Victor the player’s character must deal with bikers on the beach by beach buggy by ramming or shooting to knock them off their bikes or throwing life preservers to drowning swimmers by boat or by taking a paramedic around to injured people on the beach. One of the key gameplay elements in Vice City Stories is » empire-building «. To make money, the player must open and operate various businesses on property taken over from enemy gangs — these can range from protection rackets to brothels or smuggling compounds; the type and scale of a business is entirely dependent on the player’s wants. For Vice City Storiesthe combat system was overhauled.
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