James Francis Cameron [1] CC born August 16, is a Canadian filmmaker, artist, and environmentalist, who is best known for making science fiction and epic films for the Hollywood mainstream. Cameron first gained recognition for directing The Terminator Avatar, filmed in maoe technologyalso garnered vameron nominations in the same categories. In addition to his filmmaking, he is a National Geographic explorer of the sea and has produced a number of documentaries on the subject. Cameron contributed to underwater filming and remote vehicle technologies and helped create the digital 3D Fusion Camera System. Classmates recalled that he was not a sportsman but instead enjoyed building things that «either went up into the air or into the deep». After high school, Cameron enrolled at Fullerton Collegea community college in to study physics. He switched subjects to English, but left the college at the end of Cameron’s directing career began in After borrowing money from a consortium of dentists, he learnt to direct, write and produce his first short film, Xenogenesis with a friend. While educating himself about film-making techniques, Cameron started a job as a miniature model maker at Roger Corman Mony. He carried out the special effects for John Carpenter ‘s Escape from New Yorkserved as production designer for Galaxy of Terrorand consulted on the design for Android Cameron was hired as the special effects director for the sequel to Piranhatitled Piranha II: The Spawning in The original director, Miller Drake, left the project due to creative differences with producer Ovidio Assonitis. Shot in Rome, Italy and on Grand Cayman Islandthe film gave Cameron the opportunity to become director for a major film for the first time.
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By Nikki Finke. This version will include more than 8 minutes of new footage. Forbes magazine about a week ago placed Cameron only 2 on its Celebrity money ranking this year of the richest and most powerful actors, actresses, musicians and other well known showbiz figures. But that figure will go higher, too. Earlier this year, Cameron revealed that Titanic will be re-released in 3D in April , in order to coincide with the th anniversary of the sinking of the actual ship. He took the screenplay to their special effects lab only to be told it was just not possible to make the film with the current technology. So he sat on the project for more than a decade. To make Avatar , Cameron created the Fusion Camera System technology for photo-realistic computer-generated characters through motion capture animation. So the director has an ever brighter financial future because he now can sell that technology to 3D filmmakers all over the world. Subscribe to Deadline Breaking News Alerts and keep your inbox happy. All Rights reserved. Powered by WordPress. Close the menu.
Technological feats
He is the oldest of five siblings. When Cameron was 17, his family moved to Brea, California. In , Cameron enrolled at Fullerton College, a community college in northern Orange County, but ultimately left after a year. He then took on odd jobs as a truck driver and janitor. Writing had always been one of his hobbies and after seeing Star Wars in , he quit his job with plans to enter the film industry. His directing career officially began in , when he directed, wrote and produced his first short film, Xenogenesis with a friend. He went on to become the production assistant for Rock and Roll High School and then the art director in the science-fiction film Battle Beyond the Stars He did special effects for John Carpenter’s Escape from New York , served as production designer for Galaxy of Terror , and consulted on the design for Android Success: The breakthrough in Cameron’s career came from directing The Terminator in In exchange, Hurd agreed to let Cameron direct the movie himself. Selling his concept had clear upsides and downsides. Decades later it would also be selected for preservation by the United States National Film Registry.
On four occasions, James Cameron has broken the record for the most expensive screen project — from Terminator 2 to Titanic…
All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies. James Cameron’s Avatar. How much money did James Camerons avatar make? Avatar is my new favorite movie, but I still have yet to see Alice in Wonderland. Asked in James Cameron’s Avatar When was avatar made? AVATAR was thought of 17 years ago, cameton how much money did james cameron make from avatar years ago init took 7 months to make the whole movie, once they we able to get all the equipment.
So fromit was thought inbut James Camerons didnt have the tech. Asked in Movies The movie that has make the most money? Asked in James Cameron’s Avatar Why was avatar made? Primarily to make money. To make more money. That’s it. To make money is the idea. Asked in James Cameron’s Avatar Why did they make the movie avatar? The same reason they make other movies.
For money and its there jobs. Asked in James Cameron’s Avatar How much money did avatar movie make? Over a billion dollars. Many people went to see it. They don’t have anything in common except for the title Avatar. Well generally it is not a new avatar, just janes second film, but yes there will be a second movie that will be released in Asked in Movies How much money do movies make? Avatar is science fiction and there is nothing that exists now that can monye you an avatar.
Asked in James Cameron’s Avatar When will they make the sequel to avatar? As per the latest news sources James Cameron is planning for a sequel for the Avatar movie. We can expect the movie in the next few years. Trending Questions.
David Ehrlich. In fact, the rumored titles are just insane enough to be real. The A. For a guy building a franchise off the highest-grossing film of all time, the King of the World appears to be on some very shaky ground. By the time the first of those sequels hits monye in December — a full 11 years after the original film was released — his agenda avayar seem downright self-destructive. And everyone this critic included is probably going to be dead wrong. Indeed, doubting him might be the single dumbest thing that a studio exec or showbiz pundit can. But rooting for him and recognizing his success are two different things, and his career makes an incontrovertible case: The more disastrous a James Cameron movie sounds, the more successful it. People doubted Cameron from the start, even and especially the people who were convinced to foot the bill for his films. Spoiler maks James Cameron was wrong although he did have to forfeit his share of the profits to Fox in order to prevent the studio from cutting the film when it zvatar skittish during post-production. Adjusted for inflation, no film has earned more money at the domestic box office .
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