What are some tactics in achieving maximum total profit in any particular industry? Suggestions on how to set up imports and exports to achieve maximum production? Built trade depots Build some cash up as a buffer. Let it build up. Once at 12AM, and you receive the message about the previous day’s megals, turn your trade depots back to exporting.
SimCity Mining Specialization
If you’ve got deposits of either Coal or Ore sitting beneath your city you’ve got a tremendous resource for making a lot of money right from the start. You’ll need to pay for the right infrastructure set up so that you can do the job properly and keep your Sims from getting too sick to do their jobs. Fortunately Parks won’t be one of these as this specialization will require a lot of low wealth Sims to do your bidding. Transform Tomorrow — Watch your city transform as it adapts to the changing times with new options based on real-world technology such as Mag Levs that rise above the city streets and small buildings futurized vehicles and service drones. Before you even build your initial road off of the Highway you’re going to need to look at the Coal and Ore deposits maps and see exactly where you’re going to need to plan your roads. Not only do you need to have your main buildings set right onto the ore deposit, you’re going to need to plan where your additional shafts are going to go for maximum output. One trick I’ve used is to set up the roads exactly the way I want them first. Roads in SimCity don’t need to be connected to the Highway in order to be laid down, so while you have the ore or coal deposits map up open up your road tool and set down the road to be in the perfect position. If you’re going to go into mining full force, all of the other roads will simply have to bend to this need and not the other way around. Check out my SimCity Traffic Guide to help prevent traffic issues from happening in the first place. It may look a little odd, but as long as your rail or ocean connection is close enough to the Trade Port that you can plop one of these modules down, goods will automatically appear in your storage lots even though there’s no visible connection between the modules. This and the Drilling specialization is very similar in it’s set up. Now that you’ve got your starting roads all set, you now need to plan how you’re going to get all of those metals in and out of your city. While trucks will do the job most of the time, one of the very worst things that can happen is getting yourself into a surprise traffic horror and suddenly having your income cut in half due to gridlock. This means you need to construct a Trade Port and set up an alternate method of transport. Your two options are to send your metals out by Train or by Boat. Boats are massive and can take a vast amount of your cargo to and from your trade port, but they can only carry one resource at a time.
Warning: Construction Zone Ahead
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So i did some research trying out different starter citys models and found out that going for mining raw iron ore was the most profitable then oil or coal. Start your city as normal making residencial, commercial and lots of industry areas. Dont go nuts. Just make a few squares of each. As soon as you have about 5k ish Simoleons save up some money or take bonds and start making the raw iron ore mines. Remember to add Trade Depots when building the mines to export the raw iron ore. Add a grade school as your city progresses but dont give them any more education.
SimCity Mining Specialization
Maxis continues to emphasize that you’ll be able to play SimCity, for the most part, however you’d like. That includes being able to serve as the trash lord of your region the land masses upon which multiple cities exist as neighbors either in single or multiplayer. Though Maxis doesn’t consider it a formal specialization path, there’s room within the game for receiving other cities’ junk to be a profitable enterprise.
Have there been any especially strange, highly-specialized cities created at Maxis? Haber: «I really love making how to make money metals hq simcity garbage city. And to me, what that is, it’s a city that’s primarily built with garbage dumps and waste treatment and recycling moneyy. I basically build a bunch of those and then share it out with other cities in the region, and not only do I make money from providing that service to other cities but also, with the recycling trucks, they’ll also bring back in plastics and metals and things like.
And I’ll process those at the uow plant and then I can export them using a trading depot to sell those on the global market. So I can actually make money as sort of this like The processing of recyclable goods seems to be pretty granular—alloys, metals, and plastics are all discrete resources within SimCity’s system, and alternatively to just selling them on the market you can keep these materials local for industrial use. Haber does disclaim that there are some downsides to being a landfill landlord: «Obviously my city becomes very dirty and my Sims aren’t very happy, but Hkw don’t care because I’m just trying to do it.
And I have the advantage that my other cities don’t have that stinky garbage dump in their city, they can sort of outsource that service to this other city. Who is it—I think it’s Sweden, they import garbage. Yep, Sweden does. As do parts of the United States. Haber also mentions a wind energy farm as a ketals of city he’s hoping to experiment. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Evan Lahti. See comments. Topics EA.
SimCity — Underground Metals HQ ???
March I just started a third city with fund gifted by another profitable city, I made the biggest street possible, straight to my simciyy sites, I have 2 with 4 diggers each, 4 garages. I added 3 depots with all ore bins, simxity each complete with all garages. I have no street congestion. I have tried shutting everything off, waiting for it to fill up then turning it back on when the new day starts, still I cant hit thatso I can start a smelting plant. Go to Solution. I had nake depots and two mines. Was a nail-bitting experience literallybut it indeed worked. I guess its a good idea to confirm all storage is full and set to go before the day starts. View in thread. This widget could not be displayed. Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. Sign In or Register. See details Show. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results. Search instead. Do you mean. About to pull my hair simcityy over metals HQ upgrade, please help by TheBubbs.
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