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Sit on the throne as a benevolent or malevolent medieval monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal fingers either left or right to impose your will upon the kingdom. Survive the seemingly never-ending gauntlet of requests from your advisors, peasants, allies, and enemies while maintaining balance between the influential factions of your kingdom. Each year of your reign brings another important — seemingly random — request from your unpredictable kingdom as you strive for balance between the church, the people, the army, and the treasury. Prudent decisions and careful planning make for a long reign but unforeseen motivations, surprise events, and poor luck can take down even the most entrenched monarch. Extend your reign as long as possible, forge alliances, make enemies, and find new ways to die as your dynasty marches along through the ages. Some events will span on centuries, with an intrigue involving burning witches, scientific enlightenment, wicked politics and, maybe, the Devil himself. This game absolutely floored us. Swipe right to choose one path, swipe left for another. Casual, but clever.
About the Game
Sit on the throne as a benevolent or malevolent medieval monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal controller either left or right to impose your will upon the kingdom. Survive the seemingly never-ending gauntlet of requests from your advisors, peasants, allies, and enemies while maintaining balance between the influential factions of your kingdom. An Unpredictable Kingdom: Each year of your reign brings another important — seemingly random — request from your unpredictable kingdom as you strive for balance between the church, the people, the army, and the treasury. Prudent decisions and careful planning make for a long reign but unforeseen motivations, surprise events, and poor luck can take down even the most entrenched monarch. Dynasty Expansion: Extend your reign as long as possible, forge alliances, make enemies, and find new ways to die as your dynasty marches along through the ages. Some events will span on centuries, with an intrigue involving burning witches, scientific enlightenment, wicked politics and, maybe, the Devil himself. Royal Challenges: Achieve specific goals set before you at the start of your reign to cement your legacy and unlock new cards and content within the kingdom. Eclectic Presentation: An inspiring score from Disasterpeace compliment elegant gameplay and a bold art direction for a sublime experience as you rule over your people. Reigns By Nerial, You may also love. Reigns: Game of Thrones. Reigns: Her Majesty.
Reigns is a new gaming app, currently featured as a favorite by Apple. Mae are a king and the answer to whether you live or die — and how — is in the cards. Male literally. As ruler, you are presented with how much money did the game reigns make deck. Each card is someone in your kingdom who is asking for help or notifying you of a problem on the rise. How you answer determines your fate. A swipe to the left is one answer, the right. But the tricky part is you need to juggle resources. You must keep the people and the church happy, while rsigns enough money and troops to keep your kingdom safe. It is really easy to splurge your resources in one area, for a good reason, but it will cost you — your life and your reign. Layered on top of this delicate dance of power is hhe objective you need to fulfill: meet a witch, recruit a minstrel and have an heir — and other kingly duties. Each time you fulfill an objective you are rewarded with new cards in the deck to make th game more interesting and hopefully less deadly. The motive behind this game is to extend your reign i. An interesting dynamic is that every game you play is kept in a timeline and each new play uses the decks you have built out in your past lives. As you browse your timeline, for each reign you are given a name and title that best describes what type of ruler you were, like Henry the Blessed, George the Sorcerer or James the Wicked.
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