There’s a lot of buzz these days about how to make pofcasting podcasting fynn, and different ways to monetize a podcastibg. It means that when they pay of ad-rolls, their ad will play while people are actually listening. It’s so powerful that it helped me and my students generate ,’s of email subscribers and millions of dollars in sales with our virtual summits in just the past year. Note: This in-depth guide to making money from podcasting is over 5, words long, so you can check the table of contents below to jump to the section you’d like to dive in to. My favorite way to monetize a podcast is the first monetization strategy which will also pwt you grow your email list faster than anything else you’ve ever tried before as proven by my Virtual Summit Mastery students. Your podcast can literally be about anything as long as it strongly resonates with enough people. Ben Grundy and Aaron Wright have a wildly successful podcast called Mysterious Universewhere they cover topics like UFOs, paranormal events and conspiracy theories. Pay close attention to the comments your early listeners leave and take note of which show topics perform the best. The faster you learn what appeals to your audience, poscasting sooner you can address their pain points and develop a loyal following of 1, true fans.
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Pat Flynn lost his job as an architect in the fall of Four years later, Mr. Flynn, who is 29, has one of the top business podcasts on iTunes. Introduced in July , the podcast has been downloaded more than two million times and its listeners have given it more than five-star ratings. There are far too many self-proclaimed gurus of online marketing, but Mr. Flynn seems to have figured out some things that could help just about any small business. It was early in , before he was laid off, that Mr. Flynn first experienced the power of the Internet. Months later, he found out that more than 10, people were visiting his site each day. With that level of traffic, he decided to turn the blog into a business to help architects and other building industry professionals pass the exam. After adding more content to the Web site , he wrote and published an e-book study guide for the test and started selling it to his Web visitors. And that inspired him to start a new Web site, called the Smart Passive Income Blog , in which he explained how he had built the business. For example, he built a niche Web site for the security-guard-training industry and wrote a part series of blogs explaining how he did it. One of his lessons is that he gives his content away free and makes money by selling ads and training courses. As his traffic grew, he decided to introduce a podcast to reach even more people. He had been listening to podcasts for more than three years. In the summer of , Mr. Flynn released the first session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, as an extension of his then two-year-old blog, which, at that time, had about 7, subscribers. The directories, such as iTunes, will update automatically when you publish a new episode. Anyone can post a podcast on iTunes, Mr. He uses Garageband software, which came with his iMac, to record his episodes. Today, Mr.
1. Affiliate marketing
Image courtesy of Adobe Stock. That dizzying array of options can sometimes be overwhelming, though. It’s actually for people in steady jobs who are doing a bit of freelancing on the side and are nervous about transitioning to full-time freelance. After all, why restrict yourself to only earning for the hours you work, when you could be making money as you sleep? Need some inspiration or added motivation? In the popular imagination, people who go it alone in life are outspoken, confident extroverts. Launched in and hosted by author, speaker and professional coach Beth Buelow, this podcast talks about business and life from an introvert perspective, through interviews and discussions. The Accidental Creative is a podcast, website and book from Todd Henry focusing on techniques for creative thinking, leadership skills, and positioning yourself. Be ‘prolific, brilliant and healthy’ is his mantra, and while this is not a podcast about freelancing per se, pretty much all the advice on offer will resonate with the average creative freelancer. Lara Galloway, known as The Mom Biz Coach, has been coaching female business owners for ten years and her podcast tackles this thorny subject head-on. Invisible Office Hours is a weekly podcast that playfully explores the intersection of creativity and commerce, hosted by Jason Zook and Paul Jarvis. Produced by Behance, the worldwide network of creatives, the 99U podcast sits down with leading makers, thinkers, and entrepreneurs for a deep dive into what makes their creative process tick. I had no confidence; I could turn this into a career. Creative Boom celebrates, inspires and supports the creative community. Launched in , we love to explore the very best creativity and offer interviews, tips and ideas to help you succeed. Created by Boomerang PR. Freelance Lift Need some inspiration or added motivation? The Introvert Entrepreneur In the popular imagination, people who go it alone in life are outspoken, confident extroverts. The Accidental Creative The Accidental Creative is a podcast, website and book from Todd Henry focusing on techniques for creative thinking, leadership skills, and positioning yourself. Invisible Office Hours Invisible Office Hours is a weekly podcast that playfully explores the intersection of creativity and commerce, hosted by Jason Zook and Paul Jarvis.
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Thinking of starting a podcast and want to know how podcasters make money? Subscribe on Apple or Google Podcasts. Affiliate marketing or performance marketing is where you get a commission when you refer people to other companies. You will typically earn money when someone makes a purchase. Affiliate marketing works best when you promote products or services that you use or are familiar with, so you can authentically promote. Or you can naturally include a mention of a product or service as you deliver your regular content.
There are affiliate programs for nearly every popular product or service. Amazon is one of the more popular programs, or you can also join a network like ShareASale where you can search and apply to join specific programs. Using a plugin like Lasso is highly recommended.
This allows you to create short links that redirect to your special tracking link among a bunch of other useful features. This makes it easy to say a short, memorable URL on your podcast.
Pretty cool if you ask me! Update: Buzzsprout recently added an affiliate marketplace to make it as easy as possible to make money with your show:. You can read all about it in this detailed blog post.
If you want to learn more about how to do affiliate marketing honestly and effectively, check out this amazing and free affiliate marketing guide by Pat Flynn. They do all the work of finding advertisers, negotiating rates, getting the script, and. You usually need a larger audience of at least 5K or 10K listeners per month to work with. One of the largest ad networks is Midrollanother popular network is Authenticand many of the podcast hosting companies have their own networks as.
Another option nine ways to make money from podcasting pat flynn can work well if you have a smaller or more niche audience is to reach out directly to companies that would be a great fit for your audience. It helps to have an email list so you can let your audience know about your course both on your podcast and through email. Check out the best email service provider for podcasters. One example from me: I have a course called Podcast Website LaunchPad where you can learn to create a podcasting WordPress website like this one.
Also, check out these courses to learn podcasting. I used to analyze and critique online ads on a podcast and the service I offered was Google AdWords and Facebook Ads management. By showing that I knew what I was an expert on the topic, people knew that they would get expert-level ad management. Instead, you help or guide them on how to improve.
You can ask for donations to help support you and your podcast. More entertainment-focused podcasts would be a good fit to monetize in this way. A common platform for accepting donations is Patreon. They make it really easy to offer additional content or bonuses depending on the amount of money people support you.
They even give you the ability to have a separate paid-only RSS feed, which ties in nicely with the next method to make money podcasting…. Premium content can really be anything you want, but some of the common ways podcasters offer premium content are with:.
Have fun coming up unique ways to deliver additional value to your community for a few dollars per month. The Daily Wire is a podcast and news site that offers the video version of the podcast, live episodes, a tumbler, and other bonuses when you purchase an annual subscription. No matter what you think about the content they offer, this is a great example of premium content.
Hosting events is not only a great way to make money, but bring together your best fans and bring them even more value. Another example from Sam Harris combines Patreon and live events where when you become a Patron you can early access tickets to his live events. The Generation Why Podcast offers a ton of different productsplus premium content, and a very active Patreon page. Leveraging a popular podcast into book sales is another excellent way to make money and increase your authority.
You can use your podcast audience to get those initial sales and reviews that will help your book stand out. Many podcasters get approached for speaking gigs in their industry.
It makes sense that if someone likes the what they hear on your podcast, you would most likely be a good fit to speak at conferences and live events and get paid to do it. Speaking is another great way to increase your authority as well as getting exposed to a new audience that will hopefully become future podcast listeners. As you can see, there are many different ways to make money from podcasting. Combining nine ways to make money from podcasting pat flynn few different ways is a popular approach and you can always change and adjust your monetization methods over time.
Did I miss any monetization methods that you use? Or do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments! Here is an interesting and useful analysis of top-earning podcasts on Patreon. What is clear is that consistency and longevity play a large role in how much money people make podcasting. Ross Winn is the founder of Podcast Insights, the industry-leading podcast education site. He has helped thousands of people start and grow a podcast and loves to test out new gear and software.
You overlooked my favorite. Being paid by a person or organization to host their podcast. I have a bit of advantage in that I come from radio so I have experience doing audio interviews and knowing how to edit sound, but combing my broadcast skills with my area of expertise transportationI host a monthly podcast for the Institute of Transportation Engineers that pays me a monthly fee.
In this instance, they pick the guests and supply some suggested questions, but I serve as the host and provide them with the finished podcast. Thanks for the comment Bernie. Your email address will not be published. For Podcast Hosting Buzzsprout. For Web Hosting Bluehost. For Email Marketing ConvertKit. Want to listen while browsing the site? Comments You overlooked my favorite. That actually reminded me of another method, where people pay to be a guest on a.
Might have to add those soon! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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My skin crawls when I see online businesses marketed the wrong way. I even get kinda mad about it. There are, however, some great individuals who do it right. Some of the best entrepreneurs in this group are podcast hosts. I am constantly taking notes from successful podcasters. Tap into the creative process of people from all walks of life with Lewis Howes. Learn. A way that leaves you fulfilled not by the amount of money in your bank account because it can be A LOT if you do it rightbut by the emails you receive from listeners on how you changed their life or when someone stops you on the street to tell you how their dreams have been achieved in part because of the quality content you helped produce! If I was to give one single piece of podcasting advice it would be this: Write down a clear vision of what you want to create and why, and only take podcast sponsorship opportunities that support that vision directly.
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