In Hihh, more than cannabis industry insiders mzke there for a weekend of bonfires, starlit hikes and river swims. Their appetite is almost certain to increase as it becomes easier to legally access the drug and the industry continues to promote pot as compatible with a healthy adult life. In California alone, tens of thousands of farms grow the plant, which is increasingly processed into gorgeously packaged vape pens and edibles marketed to customers outside the core stoner demographic of young men. Today, seniors are the fastest-growing group of marijuana users in the US. The future looks very green. While white Americans use marijuana and other drugs at roughly equal rates to African Americans and Latinos, in virtually every respect, racial minorities have been disproportionately incarcerated and otherwise punished for involvement with drugs, including selling marijuana. In addition, marginalized groups — Aids patients, disabled people, veterans — who championed legalization when it was far riskier to do so now find themselves ill-equipped to compete wesd well-capitalized corporate refugees looking to jump on the bandwagon. Ggetting story of Amber Senter, a businesswoman and activist who attended the weekend campout, dubbed Meadow Lands, mony some way to explain why racial egtting will be as difficult to achieve in cannabis as it is in the rest of American life. Senter moved to Oakland, California, in A coast guard veteran with a background in corporate marketing and graphic design, she worked as an executive at Magnoliaa dispensary, and became a prominent advocate for women of color like herself in the industry. Oakland, the birthplace of the Black Panther party, is known for radical politics and racial tensions.
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Illustration by Wren McDonald. When you’re in high school and college, selling weed seems like a dream job on par with race car driver or pirate. The access to drugs ups your social cache, you make your own hours, and you can get high whenever you want. I assume that pretty much everyone between the ages of 15 and 25 has dealt drugs, or seriously considered it, or at least fantasized about the ways they would avoid the cops while raking in that sweet, sweet drug cash. I would sell only to trusted classmates and refuse to talk business over phone or computer except by way of an elaborate code that might fool cops and parents. All in all, a perfect plan. So why doesn’t everyone cash in? Well, to begin with, even though the people I bought weed from as a teenager were far from cool or tough in the traditional sense, they clearly had some kind of savviness or street wisdom that I lacked. I have no idea where they were getting their drugs from, but I assume at some point dealers have to handle interactions with sketchy people who are either their suppliers or their suppliers’ suppliers.
‘I don’t think I look like a stoner’: the women changing the face of the cannabis industry
My investment-management firm has a great front-row view of the marijuana industry, as Colorado was one of the earlier U. There is a good reason why pot is called weed — it is a weed. You cannot name us a single company that is the best and most profitable parsley, basil, or cilantro grower, and for good reason — these are commodities. So is marijuana. Though there are temporary abnormal profits to be captured when growing cannabis, it is restricted and tightly zoned. Once marijuana is more widely legalized and zoning laws are relaxed, capitalism kicks into high gear and excess profits get squeezed out of the system. There is no competitive advantage that can be achieved and then sustained in growing cannabis. Then there are the medical applications — the stories we hear make you want to consume CBD hemp extract for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But handicapping winners and losers in this space is difficult — a few listed companies currently trade at astronomical, dot-com-like valuations.
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— Luxury Survey (@LuxuryUp) February 2, 2020
Get a job in the marijuana industry
So-called «weed-tubers» are the next iteration of professional vloggers, or young people who have gerting making buckets of cash off YouTube through sponsorship deals and branded content. It’s a living, but they are still making far less than other popular vloggers, who can rake in millions.
YouTube restricts monetization on age-restricted content, and Instagram, vital to cross-platform appeal, does not permit marijuana content, limiting cash flow.
Still, blazers like year-old Josh Young of the channel » StrainCentral ,» have found their livelihoods getting blazed online. Others, like year-old Kimmy Tanpost weed videos on YouTube as a side hustle. Tan, a professional tattoo artist, told The Guardian she posts more to «have a good time» and «connect people» rather than get rich.
Hey, if you’re gonna smoke weed anyway, why not record it for some spending money? Just make sure you’re posting from a state where maks use is legal, like California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Colorado or the District of Columbia. Maxim Cover Girl. Maxim Man. Maxim Marketplace. Women A-Z. Home News. By Maxim Staff. By Chris Wilson. By Brandon Friederich. By Jordan Riefe. By Steve Huff.
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The online medical marijuana resource is gteting for someone to test and review cannabis products each month, who will film video reviews and write blog posts. The reviewer will be sent a box of cannabis products, such as weed strains, vapes, edibles, and CBD oils, to test each month and then be expected to share their opinions, insights and explain how the items work. However, American Marijuana is not looking for a recreational smoker; it is looking to hire someone with «extensive knowledge of marijuana. Medical and recreational use of marijuana is legal in Canada. To apply, applicants must submit either a headshot or a one-minute gettnig of themselves talking about the position, a resume, links to their social media, and six slang words for marijuana via a form on the American Marijuana website. American Marijuana was getitng in by Steven Kubby, who was diagnosed with a fatal form of adrenal cancer at the age of 23 but is still alive 25 years later, despite the cancer spreading. Kubby’s experience seed smoking marijuana and the impact he claims it has had on his health influenced the drafting and passage of California Proposition maks This ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana was approved by voters in The job opening comes as Business Insider reports that gettiing than jobs were lost in the cannabis industry, across startups and public companies, in recent weeks. After a high in Januaryone index of marijuana stocks has since lost 50 percent of its value. Just this week, Joe Biden claimed that marijuana is a gateway drug and shouldn’t be legalized on a federal level. Biden told Business Insider: «The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug. It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure gettint know a lot more about the science behind it.
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