Any modern ways to make money in mount and blade warband? Hey guys, I’ve been making money way too slowly in my mount and blade warband Vanilla games. At one time I was able to raise ridiculous amounts of money, but now It no longer seems to be the case. How do I kick ass as a trader or is trading not as efficient as, say, catching a whole buncha enemies and selling them? In essence, how do YOU start your calradia campaign? So slave blafe is just visiting a ransom broker and selling off bandits, yes? Or is it something different? I would say full on slave trading means intentionally finding manhunters and building up a slaver gang. I usually command my men all Rhodoks to use blunt weapons when I want to capture slaves. That ends with them punching the enemies to death. Can I equip them with clubs, or do I have to upgrade them or get different men? This I can answer. The only way to recruit manhunters is to find enemies who have them as moutn.
Your Character
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Showing 1 — 15 of 32 comments. Telemachos View Profile View Posts. It depends on how many risks you are willing to take but really, if you go to the taleworlds forums, there are a lot of guides that will give you the complete trade routes to go as well as how to make money. It depends on your faction and what cities you want to hang around. Last edited by Telemachos ; 22 Jul, pm. Chaotish View Profile View Posts. If you haven’t competed in tournaments, tournaments are pretty easy if you are good at fighting. In 20 days you could easily get the Ninjerk View Profile View Posts. One thing I haven’t figured out re:tournaments is what do you do when your team splits up? This seems especially crippling the larger the team fights are. F1, F2. Then F1, F3 when it’s time to murder stuff. Rarely horses. Vaegir and Rhodok and most of the other swadian towns tend to be fairly random though Swadia does like their jousting, while Rhodok almost never does. Build a dye-works in Rivacheg Other then that, just check which enterprize is worth the most and set it up. Though Rivacheg can easily finance a pretty huge army by itself. Rivacheg is the only city in the game that a dyeworks is actually constantly profitable. Farming Sea raiders is a good way to get cash for the dye-works. They tend to only have 1 to 3 ranged guys, the rest using thrown weapons with very small stacks.
Not-so-good options
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Twan View Profile View Posts. Hey everyone I just bought this and am completely amazed!
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They are used in quests and in everyday Calradian life. Many other countries also use the similarly named «dinars», «denier», «denari», «denario», and «denarius»; all also ultimately from the Roman denarius. When you first start out, the amount of denars you possess varies depending on your choices during character creation. If you are lucky enough, you may find a Lord who wants their taxes to be collected from a village , or a town depending on what fiefs the lord owns. You should take these quests. First, go to the village, and start collecting taxes. The village relation to you will drop slightly and if you continue to take them when it asks you if you want to , it will drop again and some villagers may attack you. The drop in relation with the village is very little and can be recovered in one quest for the village, so if you want them to like you, it is no problem. Once you have completed collecting their money, the quest will be marked ‘completed’ and tell you to return to the Lord who gave you the quest. This part of the quest, however, has no time limit. So you can just keep the money and spend it yourself. You can get about from doing this, which can be especially helpful in the beginning of the game. The Lord won’t be able to give you more quests if you don’t complete it, but there are many Lords and one barely matters. Plus, it’s easy to earn back those denars later on in the game. To quickly earn money, winning Tournaments is ideal. Unfortunately, travelling to the tournaments can be long and boring and sometimes there are no tournaments being hosted at the time you ask a tournament master. You can make up to denars if you win the tournament with maximum bets on yourself, though repeatedly winning tournaments over a short span of time will decrease your maximum profits. Tournaments can be tough to win in the early game and if the tournament uses weapons that your character is not adept with, you may find yourself wasting money. Another option is to loot a village. Goods as opposed to equipment sell for almost the same price as its base value, so when it says it sells for , it basically does it depends on the town you sell it to.
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Home Games News Cosplay. This guide will teach you many of the ways of making enough money to start your own kingdom in A Clash of Kings 7.
You need money to pay your troops, buy new ones, buy food, buy armor for your poor pathetic companions, and ultimately to buy Champion Plated Warhorses for your elite lvl 50 companions. For me, going bankrupt ends in me reverting to a previous save. In this guide, I will teach you boade many of the ways to make money in ACOK in order to be successful and dominate Westeros and Essos. I won’t judge you. If you’re new to the game, then I will do makong best to advise character creation to make the game slightly easier.
Once you create your bearded, scarred, big-nosed lump of brawn or Bronn ;you need to create a backstory and stats. That means you were the son of a noble, a noble in training, a squire, and you’re setting out for personal revenge I think. When investing starting stats, max out strength. Next, max out melee strike damage. After that, shield up to 3 eventually. The rest a point or two maybe athletics so you can run backwards without falling over as.
Now get mobbed by bandits while you have low armor. As a default, I suggest stabbing the head when you have a weak weapon and a better-armored enemy. Talk to the merchant, get a pile of quests, and wish him. Promptly ignore the quests unless you’re suicidal. Check the tavern before you leave the Weeping Town and grab Brynden Storm.
He’ll be your medic. Create a new battle group called «Non-combat» or something, and at the beginning of every battle, tell him to retreat.
That way, after the battle, more of your troops will be alive surgery trait and you’ll get health. Plan on putting Maron, Berenger, and Arratos into the non-combat group. Saathos and Serol if you can tolerate their rebelliousness besst shouldn’t fight.
With your starting money, you need enough armor and a wnd to win tournaments. Make sure you have enough strength for any given weapon. Halberd is my favorite reach and piercing mondytwo-handed mace is find blunt damageor you can actually get by warhand your starting shield and a slightly better sword arming sword if you’re ok with stabbing people in the head.
For armor, you makkng the best value. For body armor, something like plated chainmail is fine. Buy body armor last so you don’t overspend. Your starting shield is vest. You want to hit first anyways. Chapter 1: Bandits and Tournaments There are a few ways of making money early, but only one good one. You could fight bandits, escaped slaves, outlaws. Make sure you save first and having enough soldiers to win.
Early fights when you have bad stats and no money are difficult. I advise against. Missions pay terribly. You might travel to 15 different villages to collect cattle and you get paid in wool.
Selling your body isn’t bad. If you want to go join Tywin Lannister’s retinue, go for it. While you’re in retinue, you can’t access your companions, but they cloth you and pay you a bit. It’s fine, it’s safe. The way to make money is tournaments.
All tournaments are now one-on-one moun, and you often lose a battle and still win the tournament. Again, this is per tournament. Talk to the arena guy during the daytime to find out where tournaments are. Avoid mean-spirited people along the way, and fight in tournaments. If you keep losing, read the next paragraph.
After you win a tournament, you have a little bit of money. Keep traveling between tournaments, and check each tavern for companions.
In tournaments, you’ll be fighting your companions. So if you mone 7 companions, you’ll only be fighting your poor companions if you’re a jerk, take their weapons away before the fight. Mount and blade warband best money making a bad person. Really, you should win anyways because of their low starting stats. As you make money and accumulate companions, it’s OK to take the occasional battle with bandits.
Use their looted gear to equip your companions. As your combat capable companions not Brynden. Garrett, Lyneria, Titus, and Roderick are archers. All others can be trained as heavy cavalry. Ideally, Warrband give them war mace, shield, and a two-handed mace for fighting on an, but don’t spend much money on.
That’s about to mouht into play. In each town, you can build one 1 productive enterprise. Again, in ACOK 7. Go to King’s Landing, and build a Velvet factory for 10k. You can look at the different prices, but this should be a safe-ish investment. If there’s a jaking offer you can take it, but Velvet is mzking fine. Once you have your first factory, you bwst an income. Moung can now afford to pay your companions and feed them uncooked wheat. Hey, one step at a time right?
Keep traveling between towns and fight in tournaments. It’s often velvet. Just pay top dollar for whatever an the. It’s a long game, and enterprises are relatively reliable. They’ll make you enough money to cover feeding your army and upkeep for a cheap army.
Once you have a productive enterprise in almost every town literally every towngo to Chapter 3. You want every single town covered warabnd later, when you’re at war, you won’t get money from businesses in enemy towns. You can start recruiting an army. Army blad involves some personal preference, but I’ll give you my thoughts and rationale. I spent my first 10h of ACOK 6. I couldn’t get through their heavy armor.
Most troops in the game have Strike of 2 and non-armor-piercing weapons. They can’t get through Reachman armor. Therefore, I recruit from the Reach. At the beginning of a battle, enemy cavalry will charge.
Fight them off with your companions. If you just go around killing horses and let your companions finish off the dehorsed enemy, andd fine. Once they’re no longer a threat, nlade the pikes to hold the enemy infantry while you and your companion cavalry go around the flank and crush the archers.
Once the archers are gone, help out your pikemen. If you don’t think your pikes will last that long, flank and save the pikemen first, archers second. Upgrade your pikes slowly all the way to heavy reachman knights. Again, 20 is a good starting number if you can pay. Group them with your companions omney make a strong heavy cavalry force.
They have enough armor and armor-piercing weapons to fight enemy archers and weak unshielded enemy troops. If you want archers, Westerland archers are easily accessible and good blace.
Generally, Westerlands have very average troops in all categories, and their archers are good. If for some reason you don’t like juggling your army or don’t have enough enterprise income, you could ultimately go around with just the 20 heavy reachman knights and do OK in Chapter 4, but a bigger army is better. As you play, you’ll be leveling up and leveling your companions and army. Here’s what I do: Strength to Max out Strike damage at
Ultimate Mount & Blade: Warband Guide! Steps to Conquer the World! Timestamps in The Description
Intro to Money: Why You Need $?
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I need to know what the most effective way to earn money is in Mount and Blade for a brand new character is. I don’t want to raid villages however and wouldn’t like to have to lose honor for it. Thanks in advance. You can earn a lot of money by finding tournaments and entering. The tournament reward is usually not too great, but its possible to earn a few thousand denars by betting on. If you place a max bet on yourself each round, you can earn up to If you find a tournament that suits your combat style go for it. However there are other ways of making money. In one game I decide to play as a merchant, I accepted all the quests to collect taxes for lords, you can make like 6K from. But when I collected the taxes I didn’t bring them to the Lord strait away, I invested it buying goods and building factories usually the one that cost 10K. When I made enough profit I payed back the Lords. I never raid villages. The penalties to your honour, relationship with the village and relationship to the lord who owns the village mean its just not worth it. Whatever story line you imagine for your character, if you want to become an independent king at some point then you’re going to need lots of honour and high relations with a lot of lords. That’s tough if you’ve spent your time up till then raiding villages. Yes tournaments are a good way to make money mount and blade warband best money making win renown and nice equipment but for a brand new character tournaments are going to be pretty challenging. How you want to make money will ultimately depend on you character. There are quite a lot of threads out there about making money so you could google those for tips but I’ll give my 2 cents. The first thing some people will do is sign up as a freelancer in a lord’s army. You get a salary and a little experience and if there’s a battle then you get extra experience and maybe some loot.
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