Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Dangetous Dangerous Store Page. Global Achievements. Okay, no exploit stuff. Obviously anybody lucky enough to get their dirty hands on that easy money is crying because it’s been nerfed.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Having not played for a long time, finally picking up Horizons, and knowing Frontier likes to change how things work, I’m not sure what makes good money now. Before I could Bounty Hunt and make pretty decent bank in a short time frame, but the systems I used to frequent now aren’t offering as much and also my weapons don’t seem nearly effective as they used to be Mining was under heavy changes when I did play 2. Passenger missions seem somewhat profitable, but also very time consuming if I accidentally pick the «wrong» passenger. Basic Mission board seems to have some chunks of k for a quick delivery or something, which doesn’t seem like much Exploration was decent I’m guessing that means less bonus bank. EDIT: Now that 2. This question is even more important with the «new threat» now joining us and Re-buy still being very high Edit 2: Updated again March to include new methods introduced in the Beyond patch, as well as remove information that was invalidated by that patch. Edit: This is an updated answer as of Feb I knew passenger missions were the fastest and most lucrative missions, but I put it to the test and tried to find out what the upper limits were. I reinforce the same points here as my original answer but give I think some clearer examples and comparisons, plus a step-by-step explanation of my current money farming plan. The absolute fastest method of making money that I have found is by doing passenger missions, specifically transport missions to stations that are far away from the arrival point. The step-by-step is listed below, and further down I’ll list quick comparisons with the other lines of work mentioned. Find a station that you can dock at, has a passenger lounge, and is really far away from the entry point of its system. The easiest way to do this is to go to the eddb. This is searching all stations in the database that you can land at.
Mastering the Elite Dangerous UI
Elite Dangerous has been out for just over a month, and while it isn’t quite as belligerently opaque as something like Eve Online, there are certainly esoteric elements that can make the game quite hard to get to grips with. Thank goodness for the Christmas break, then, and a chance to wrap our heads around the finer details of life in space. Based on that experience, we’ve put together a guide to Elite that will give you all the information you need to get out there, and get sampling all of the core activities in the game. We’re not covering every facet of the game in minute detail, as there are plenty of detailed guides out there for those who wish to dig deeper, but if you work through all of the items covered in this article you’ll get a quick taste of what the game’s about, and what might tickle your fancy in the long run. Elite Dangerous — how to travel within and between star systems A quick guide to travelling between different star systems, making journeys within those systems, and getting in and out of Stations safely. Elite Dangerous — how to use maps and plan routes How to scope out space using the game’s map systems, use Elite’s route-planning tools, and generally make your way from over here to over there. Elite Dangerous — how to make money from missions Making the most of the game’s mission system to make the most money. Elite Dangerous — dogfighting and combat survival How to get to grips with the basics of dogfighting in Elite Dangerous, and live to fight another day. Elite Dangerous — trading tips and tricks A quick guide to the science of tracking down cheap goods, finding lucrative markets to offload them in, and making profit as efficiently as possible. Elite Dangerous — how to make money Bored of missions? Here’s a quick run-down of some of the other profitable ways of making money in the game. Elite Dangerous — how to smuggle goods and get started with piracy Bored of being nice? There are dark arts a-plenty in Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous — how to choose the best ship and upgrade it A handy reference guide to all of the ships currently available in the game, and which areas of the game each one excels at. Getting around the UI in Elite Dangerous takes a little getting used to but it soon becomes second-nature. By default, you use 1 and 4 to open up your left and right-hand cockpit panels respectively. The right-hand panel is very specific to the ship you’re flying right now, while the one on the left focuses more on the bigger picture — getting around the galaxy, finding contacts and so on. Slap bang in the middle of your ship are some very important additional elements. Over on the far left you can see the details of your current location, while just to the right of that is a representation of your current target. Objects like Stations will appear here, with arrows indicating the entrance bay. When targeting a star for the purposes of travel, it’ll appear as a dot — solid and bright when it’s directly in front of you, and dim when it’s to your rear. In the centre of your dashboard is your radar scanner which helps you keep track of local celestial objects, be they little bits of mining ore or enemy ships. To the right of this is a representation of your ship and its hull integrity. To the right of that is an indicator of where ship power is currently being focused, while you can check whether your landing gear or cargo scoop has been deployed to the far right of the screen.
Using the left-hand Target panel
Elite: Dangerous was recently updated with some new features. Brendan takes us on a journey through space in this new series, where he will be exploring faraway stars and getting into trouble with the space police. My first mistake was packing my cargo hold full of stolen explosives. My second mistake was trying to fly that cargo full of explosives, at high speed and with my engines off, through a tiny opening in a giant space station. By the time I realised my trajectory was all wrong, I had already belly-flopped into the metallic surface of the station, hundreds of metres away from the gateway I had intended to speed.
I exploded on impact. Such is the fate of many pilots who try to emulate the Isinona Manoeuvre. The Isinona Manoeuvre is best documented here in YouTube form by the pilot it is named. Basically, in Elite: Dangerous, you will sometimes find yourself with a cargo hold full of stolen goods. And you will sometimes want to get those goods into a station with a strong security presence, to sell them on the black market for sometimes major dollar. Description of custom officials: militant, well-trained, of murderous intent.
Holders of advanced pulse weaponry, class 1. One way to avoid detection is to use the Isinona Manoeuvre. This involves lining your ship up with the port from approximately 10km away, shutting off all your engines, turning off flight assist, and waiting for your ship to go cold.
Now, the tricky. You turn on your engines long enough to fire your afterburner so you tumble at full speed towards the gateway, then quickly turn them off again and pray for the following:. At the last second and I really mean at the last second you must flick your engines on and adjust yourself, steering neatly terrifyingly fast into the port.
Of all the things I can tell you about the manoeuvre, this is probably the most important: make sure it is worth trying. Isinona made it look a lot easier than it is. Explosives, for example, are worth dirt. On the black market I imagine they go for even. It was stupid of me to even try it. I could also have just travelled to a lawless port and done my shady business.
It was the dumbest thing I have ever tried in Elite. No surprise I went back to pan-handling for lost gold around Freeport — a station without laws or pesky custom officials. I bought myself a gorgeous Lakon Type-6 Transporter to celebrate the end of my life of petty smuggling. This was how you make the big money in Elite.
Transporting huge quantities of expensive goods and hawking them for extortionate rates. I could make 91, credits in a single trip, enough to buy two Eagle fighter craft and have some pocket money left.
I felt I had seen most of what the game had to offer, so I placed my Thrustmaster T Flight Hotas to one side, hung up my headphones and retired from space.
Last week, however, Frontier released their newest version, Beta 2. Only this time: no mistakes. On starting up again I found myself destitute. Oh yes, I had forgotten. There had been a character wipe. Of course there had been a character wipe. This is how Early Access works. If you check the Elite Dangerous forums, you will see the lunatic loyalty of the Elite backer in his or her native habitat.
In one thread they were asked how they would feel if there was a server wipe with this latest update. The responses were all positive. Wipe us out! I was not so happy, only because I had been driven down to a mere creds and how was I supposed to buy the shiny new Asp with that?
I sat in my Sidewinder and frowned. There she was, the Asp Explorer. One hundred tonnes of cargo space, metres per second at maximum boost, a 13 light-year jump range, and a steal at —. I closed my catalogue. This was not going to be easy.
The most I have ever had in my account at any time was just over a million credits, which I used to buy my beautiful space truck, the Type 6 Transporter. I might have to go back to pan-handling after all. Often these are other ships, sometimes hostile, sometimes not. It could be one container, or it could be ten. The contents of the crates are things like coltan, explosives or, ugh, bauxite.
But what you are really looking for is gold, which goes for approximately 4, credits per container on the black market. Patience can be rewarded with mad hawls of 45, credits, if you are in a ship with a large enough cargo bay. I would find the gold in pockets of space around the rings of a rocky, Independent planet called Anahit.
Still, there was a strange satisfaction to my job as a fortune-seeker in the galactic gold rush. Before the beta 2. I had a routine. Step 1: Drop out of super cruise at an unidentified signal. Step 2: Assess the containers. If gold: continue. If bauxite: swear blindly and start jump. Step 3: Approach a container slowly and cautiously to m. Step 4: Check for signs of a trap.
Signs of trap include: Three ships falling out of super cruise, messages of hatred broadcast from aforementioned ships, laser fire. Step 5: Approach to m. Repeat Step 4. Step 6: If not a trap, deploy scoop and collect booty.
If a trap, full power to engines, thrust foward, afterburner, steer away from ships, engage jump drive, sweat, pray. So, I took off from Azeban Orbital in my Startwinder and resolved to go back to pan-handling until I had enough for something a little more exciting.
Transporting some precious metals to Freeport would get me a tasty 10k, so I took it. Freeport was the station I did most of my pan-handling around, so when I arrived there and dropped off the goods I was in the right neighbourhood. I headed out wearing my gold rush face, ready for an hour or so of sweet, patient trawling. Results of trawling: Terror, panic, multiple encounters with the pirate known as Vox Despairo, absence of gold or anything of value.
The only thing I ran into was the NPC Vox Despairo in his fearfully-equipped Anaconda the heaviest, meanest, most expensive ship in the game. You could try dumping some cargo to appease. Time and again this brute would appear when I investigated an unknown signal. Twice, I barely escaped with my life, as a lethal missile homed in on me as I jumped. Making money was going to be a lot harder from now on.
I sped away from Anahit and its rings, leaving Mr Despairo free to slaughter some other Klondike Kid. I headed for the lawful systems nearby and did some petty delivery boy stuff between I Bootis and the Aulin. I reach the spaceport and drop off the stuff like a disgruntled DHL employee. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Please sign. I pick up the device and it replaces my basic scanner. I mark a course for a nearby system that looks to still be unexplored and leave the station with a smile.
By the time I reach the uncharted solar system I am brimming with anticipation to use my new gadget. It would appear I have made a mistake. The piece of kit I had was an add-on, not a substitution. To make matters worse, I had seen nowhere that sold the original device, so the only way of getting it back would be to purposefully destroy. That may seem counter-intuitive, but in the world of Elite: Dangerous, the starter ship is always free.
So selling back the Surface Scanner and killing myself made sense in money terms. It was the financially responsible option. I dropped off in Bolg, sold the useless Scanner, and went back into space to suffocate. I turned to my console where I switched off engines, weapons, shields and finally, the life support. I waited for the clock to tick. Time went by slowly.
Was this the right way to go out? Choking in a tin can in the middle of nowhere?
Please try again later. While the item might be priced similarly at …. Two different groups are working at cross purposes, and both seem to be having a great time. Tested with game version 3. The official elite dangerous quick money unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous Make Money is actually the most popular everything presented this 1 week. I could look on forums for outdated threads, or I can ask active players for fresh info. Just interested in some serious cash grab while I still have the time. This website is not an official tool for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. If you find productDeals. If at the time will discount more Savings So you already decide you want have Elite Dangerous Fastest Way To Make work from home kissimmee fl Money for your, but you don’t know where to get the best price for this Elite Dangerous Fastest Way elite dangerous quick money To Make Money We already done the research and spend a lot of time for you Some people are are interested to buy Elite Dangerous How To Make Money with the cheap price. Voice Attack. I think our elite dangerous bounty hunting guide covers everything about bounty hunting and will help you to increase your profit.
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