Filter by location to see Retail Pharmacist salaries in your area. Salary phaemacists are based on 10, salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Retail Pharmacist employees. Is this helpful? Retail Pharmacist Salaries. Company Sizes. Years of Experience. Average Base Pay. Not enough reports to show salary distribution. Additional Cash Compensation. How much does a Retail Pharmacist make? Are you paid fairly? Get a free, personalized salary estimate based on today’s market. Get Your Estimate.
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Most pharmacists know they have chosen a gratifying profession. They may also be gratified by the financial rewards, as pharmacists rank on the higher end of professional occupations. Let’s fill out an RX of our own, and put a microscope over physician salaries in the U. According to the U. Also, there are some caveats on time and scheduling, too, that might factor into a pharmacist’s salary. Labor Department. According to PayScale, the average U. Then there’s the geography issue. Consequently, if you want to take your pharmacist credentials to a land filled with fresh air, scenic vistas, and hardy people, Alaska could be the state for you. There are other factors that come into play that can sway pharmacists salaries one way or the other. In what capacity a pharmacist works matters, too, in terms of salary. As noted above, working at a general merchandise store is one’s best bet at topping out on a pharmacist’s paycheck, while working at an actual pharmacy leads you down to the lower rungs of pharmacist pay. Even so, the benefits earned by a government-based pharmacist professional are usually better than benefits earned in the private sector, so that narrows the gap financially. In general, pharmacists fill prescriptions, consult with doctors’ offices, advise health care consumers how best to take their medications, and even give flu shots.
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Alex Barker is the founder of The Happy PharmD, which helps pharmacists create an inspiring career, break free from the mundane «pill-flipping» life. He’s also the Founder of Pharmacy School HQ, which helps students get into pharmacy school and become residents. Continuing Education. Please enter valid email address. Login Register. Update Profile Logout. Cardiovascular Health. Chronic Kidney Disease. Cough and Cold. Pain Management. Vitamins and Supplements. Specialty Pharmacy. Diagnosis and Treatment of IBS. Expert panelists review the causes, diagnostic work-up, management, and emerging therapies inherent in the evolving paradigm of irritable bowel syndrome. Peer Exchange. Perfect Consult. View all videos. Practice Pearls. Independent Corner. Directions in Pharmacy. Generic Supplements. Health-System Edition. OTC Guide.
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Thinking about becoming a pharmacist? How much does a pharmacist make? We have all answer all of your questions about pharmacist pay! In this guide, we go over average pharmacist salary overall and in each of the 50 states. To help put these numbers into context, we also explain what factors affect pharmacist salary, why pharmacists make so much, what work they do, and how you can become a pharmacist.
How much does a pharmacist make each year? The chart below from the US Dept of Labor shows the percentile wage estimates for pharmacists in so you can get a better idea of the range of pharmacist salaries.
Depending on which part of the country you live in, you might be making more or less than the national pharmacist salary. Below is a chart showing the average annual salary for pharmacists in each of the 50 states, as well as Washington D. You can use this chart to get a better idea of what the average pharmacist salary is in the state where you live or would like to live.
Differences among states in average pharmacist salaries can be due to multiple factors, including cost of living, demand for pharmacists, and where the pharmacists are employed.
Now you know that most pharmacists are bringing in six figures a year. Why is pharmacist pay so high? There are three main reasons:. For most people, this means eight years of university how much money do retail pharmacists make graduate-level schooling, and the high level of education required for pharmacists contributes to the high salary.
To be a pharmacist, you must have a lot of knowledge specific to the field, and you must also have a high attention to. Therefore, they must always be careful when they are working. Because the work pharmacists do is so important, and because they are the only ones who can do it, they have a high average salary. Another reason pharmacists make so much is that there is a high demand for pharmacists in many parts of the country. As the population gets older and healthcare expands, more people need the services pharmacists provide, which drives up demand.
The number of pharmacists in the country is fairly small, so some employers will often offer higher salaries in order to entice pharmacists to work for. So, what exactly do pharmacists do? There are three main types of pharmacists:. Retail pharmacists spend a majority of their time processing and filling prescriptions, interacting with customers, and watching for potential side effects and interactions of the drugs they prescribe.
Clinical pharmacists typically work in hospitals or other medical settings, and a lot of their duties involve working directly with medical professionals and patients, either by choosing which medications to prescribe for a patient, monitoring patients, and other additional duties.
Research pharmacists usually work for drug companies, although they can also work for government agencies or universities. They spend the majority of their time developing new medications and conducting drug studies.
Below are the four main steps you need to complete to become a pharmacist. Not every pharmacy school requires PCAT scores, but most of them. The next step to becoming a pharmacist is being accepted into a Doctor of Pharmacy PharmD program. The prerequisites required vary by program, but often include chemistry, biology, physics, and statistics. A few pharmacy schools do have accelerated programs that allow you to complete PharmD school in three years.
Many programs also allow you to specialize in a specific area of pharmaceutical sciences such as clinical pharmacology or rural pharmacy services. Licenses are issued by individual states, so each state has its own requirements. However, most of them are follow the same basic set of guidelines. So, how much does a pharmacist make? Pharmacists living in different parts of the country have different average salaries.
Pharmacist pay is so high because pharmacists must attend fours years of PharmD school in addition to undergrad coursework, the profession requires specific expertise and a variety of skills, and because demand for pharmacists is growing. How to Get a Perfectby a Perfect Scorer. Score on SAT Math. Score on SAT Reading. Score on SAT Writing.
What ACT target score should you be aiming for? How to Get a Perfect 4. How to Write an Amazing College Essay. A Comprehensive Guide. Choose Your Test. What Is the Average Pharmacist Salary? Experience: Pharmacists who have worked in the profession longer make more money than pharmacists just starting out, since more experienced pharmacists typically have more responsibilities and expertise.
Geographic Location: Some parts of the country have a higher average pharmacist salary than. We discuss this more in the next section. Employer Type: The type of pharmacy job you have will also affect your pay. Retail pharmacists generally earn less than pharmacists working in hospitals or other clinical settings. Requires Specialized Knowledge and Attention to Detail To be a pharmacist, you must have a lot of knowledge specific to the field, and you must also have a high attention to.
High Demand for Pharmacists Another reason pharmacists make so much is that there is a high demand for pharmacists in many parts of the country. What Do Pharmacists Do? There are three main types of pharmacists: Retail pharmacists spend a majority of their time processing and filling prescriptions, interacting with customers, and watching for potential side effects and interactions of the drugs they prescribe.
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How Much Do Pharmacists Make?
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Alex Barker is the founder of The Happy PharmD, which helps pharmacists create an inspiring career, break free from the mundane «pill-flipping» life. He’s also the Founder of Pharmacy School HQ, which helps students get into pharmacy school and become residents. Continuing Education. Please enter valid email address. Login Register. Update Profile Logout. Cardiovascular Health. Chronic Kidney Disease. Cough and Cold. Pain Management. Vitamins and Supplements. Specialty Pharmacy. Diagnosis and Treatment of IBS. Expert panelists review the causes, diagnostic work-up, management, and emerging therapies inherent in the evolving paradigm of irritable bowel syndrome.
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