Years in Business: 4. Overview of BBB Ratings. Average of 9 Customer Reviews. Want a quote from this business? Need to file a complaint? BBB is here to help. Desired Outcome.
The PlanNet Marketing Product Line
But is it really as amazing as it sounds? Since you are here reading my review I am guessing that you are suspicious of the whole thing. Things probably seem a bit fishy to you and you might even be wondering if this whole thing is a pyramid scheme. You get to work on your own time and you also get access to the discount travel rates that come with the business. These two ways include:. I hope that makes sense. Moving up to the rank of Gold Builder comes with a lot of perks and this is only the second rank achievable. I know that this can be confusing so I just want to go over things again here real quick to maybe clear a few things up. Only 1. Well the reason is because the this is just the way MLM businesses are. Most people fail and they have extremely high turnover rates. And of course… With a pyramid -like structure there are always many more people at the bottom than at the top. I think so… That is pretty much all they do.
How It All Works
You may have noticed that PlanNet Marketing is getting a lot of hype and attention these days. You might have had some friends in Network Marketing approach you about PlanNet Marketing, or you may have seen it on social media. I am not an affiliate or distributor. I have gathered here all the facts about PlanNet Marketing in my PlanNet Marketing Review — now you can learn all you need to know about it. Additionally, we were able to locate quite a bit of information on each of the men as well. Paycation is another MLM opportunity that operates in the travel industry, but this company primary sees affiliates getting paid when the recruit new members to join the affiliate program. Following this, he was promoted to the position of President and Chief Financial Officer in October of — just two years later. The company saw some major issues throughout and , and then Cauthen was once again appointed as CEO and President in May, As we mentioned in the introduction for this review, PlanNet Marketing operates in the field of retail travel, and offers a variety of different services in this particular area. Essentially, PlanNet Marketing offers their affiliates a form of custom website for booking different travel packages. When affiliates for the company book these plans through the PlanNet Marketing site, they are able to earn a commission. PlanNet Marketing does not have any quotas or minimum requirements in order to join, and the company states that you can decide whether or not you want to make your time with the company a full or part-time position.
PlanNet Marketing Review
You are probably curious and wondering if what you have heard and read about this company is true or is PlanNet Marketing is a Scam?. While others will happily tell you what they need you to hear and sing their praises from the roof tops just to get you into their downlines and join their team. I am not associated with PlanNet Marketing in anyway at all. You can rest assured that what you will see in this review will be the truth and not some «false positive» kind of review. This is how you find out the real truth behind a product or opportunity, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way of making money online. Product Name: PlanNet Marketing. Founder s : Andy Cauthen and Don Bradley. Summary: PlanNet Marketing have no real product and are effectively funnelling you into InteleTravel and asking you do as they are. This, in my opinion makes InteleTravel look like a Pyramid scheme. PlanNet Marketing is a multi level marketing business in the travel industry owned and founded by Don Bradley and Andy Cauthen, Both of whom are highly experienced in the world of network marketing. Don Bradley is reported to being a top earner for Paycation and Andy Cauthen was at the helm of a network marketing business in the travel industry YTB International. Polemically YTB international during its early days attracted a lot of unwanted attention for being a pyramid Scheme , including that of the California Attorney General. The company PlanNet Marketing partner with InteleTravel to offer a multi level marketing business opportunity using their portal and booking engine to make and find the travel offers for potential clients. The opportunity to be involved in the travel industry as a travel agent does sound pretty amazing and cool. Particularly when you consider then industry, according to expert analysts is set to grow and with an increasing number of bookings being made online. Having the opportunity to work for yourself, and from home, get direct access to industry discounts and special travel deals like flights, cruises, resorts, hotels, holidays, car hire might sound pretty awesome. But, hold off on your decision making — as at the very end of this article I have a more interesting alternative to you that is travel related and does not involve any recruiting or building of teams or downlines! Travel related MLM opportunities are not new nor unique the following opportunities could be considered as competitors to PlanNet Marketing:. PlanNet marketing has no physical product as such due to being a service based business selling a variety of retail based travel products and services, which are actual products and services from a 3rd party business — InteleTravel. As a distributor you have your own custom website that at the back end integrates with InteleTravel and you are able to offer and take bookings from clients for those travel related packages, services and products on the front end. As an Agent you are permitted to book travel packages for your clients on your own accord and can work as per your own schedule. There are no minimum sales quotas or targets to meet, essentially you can work full time or part time — the entire choice is up to you.
Aaron and Shara What Do You Suggest?
Donald D. He has achieved top ranking palnnet in the network marketing industry, being numbered among millionaire earners for the past 15 years, while helping others reach their financial goals.
Paycation website Alexa traffic estimates for show a brief recruitment bubble followed by a steady decline:. Prior to Paycation Bradley was promoting Pro Travel Network, yet another travel niche business opportunity. YTB International began operations as a pyramid reviewws in In lateYTB laid off 17 employees, a move that was part of a reorganization.
The Agent will makinb only earn commission on travel bookings, they can also travel to amazing destinations, and reviiews guaranteed best prices and VIP travel benefits. You can book travel for your clients as often or as little as you like! Some agents work every day, while others only book travel once or twice a year. A full-time career opportunity or a side interest that pays.
No quotas to meet. No minimum requirements to join. The PlanNet Marketing compensation plan pays affiliates to recruit and maintain active InteleTravel affiliates.
Active InteleTravel affiliates are affiliates who continue to pay monthly InteleTravel agent subscription fees. These initial three positions form the first level of the matrix, with the second level generated by splitting each of the three positions into another three positions each 9 positions. Subsequent levels of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with a full nine-level matrix housing 29, positions.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them level 1 :. If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels. The Gold Builder Bonus is paid out down each unilevel leg, up until another Gold Builder Bonus qualified affiliate is found in that leg. If no Gold Builder qualified affiliate is found, the bonus continues to marketiny down the entire length of the leg as new InteleTravel affiliates are added to it.
Note that an affiliate must have at least three unilevel legs to qualify, with no more than a third of the required active InteleTravel affiliates sourced from any one leg. An InteleTravel agent subscription provides access to discounts and a self-contained income opportunity. That aside, the other point of contention is marketnig or not the majority of InteleTravel agents signed through PlanNet Marketing are PlanNet Marketing affiliates.
But if the total number of agents signed through PlanNet Marketing are also PlanNet Marketing affiliates, that would be indicative of a closed-loop recruitment scheme.
Rather than the InteleTravel agent membership, PlanNet Marketing affiliates would instead be signing up for the income opportunity. As a prospective PlanNet Marketing affiliate, evaluating whether this is the case is pretty straight-forward. Simply ask your potential upline how many non-PlanNet Marketing affiliates they have in their downline paying for InteleTravel agent subscriptions, versus PlanNet Marketing affiliates doing the.
And you can bet that you too will then find yourself primarily recruiting PlanNet Marketing affiliates over the travel subscription.
Oz, your Cauthen short bio has a date error… I think the first is probably ? As explained before, there is no profit to support a travel MLM from selling travel. YTB lured consumers into its travel business with false promises of wealth and deceptive marketing. Many signed up to sell travel or to obtain travel discounts, but they quickly found it virtually momey to make money selling travel. The majority of consumers who purchased YTB websites made no money through the sale of travel, and many lost money through continued website operations.
So we can assume similar type of revenue. Given the history of the two, we can expect a YTB clone in operation. And the travel industry had not change, and may have, in fact, been much tougher due to introduction of various online booking engines, as well as aggregators like kayak and hipmunk. Even Google has joined the booking game, not to mention various hotel discounters like hotels.
Oz, your Cauthen short bio has a date error…. Thanks for the article. MLM all seem pretty much the same these days, they all promise financial freedom but then the disappointments come far to easily. I am just about mojey invest in PlanNet. I am fearful that once I run out of friends and family to ask. Who else? Perfect Strangers? I really want to try it. It seems your review was copied. Thanks for the information. Will consider before investing. They usually are not in it to make the big bucks but rather an added income and great travel benefits.
This is a solid company. Somebody is getting the commission from every travel piece sold, so why not me? I signed up directly with InteleTravel nearly two years ago and pay a reasonable annual fee. I have been an Independent Travel Agent with Inteletravel for only 3 months. So far I have booked 5 trips, 2 being all-inclusive, one Disney, and a couple hotel stays.
With that being said I have made enough to pay off my down payment, and cover my years payments, and then. I have never been hounded to join PlanNet Marketing, even though I think about it alot.
The reason I debate about the Marketing side, is to open up this opportunity for everyone else, because, I thank GOD he brought this chance into my life. There marketinb a lot of errors in this article. The individual who wrote has no experience with Inteletravel or PlanNet Marketing. I maiing a choice to join this business two years ago and have not doubted my decision.
I have met both of. James Ferrarra llannet very open and honest. I have never met a President mmoney Co-Founder who is more down to earth and approachable than he is. PlanNet and Inteletravel are both great opportunities. There are tons of great MLM opportunities out. You have to talk to a lot, an I mean a lot of people and expect to have to do this as though it is your job and you do have someone watching over you. If you are not talking to a lot of people every day you are not working hard.
At least not at the things you should be. The teams you join also matter. You cannot sign up as an agent directly any longer it all goes through PlanNet, however, you have the option to be an agent only so that there is no mlm aspect included. You just book travel and earn commission on what you.
As for the product it is a service and the ability to become a travel agent, just like you have insurance and law services in mlm. MLM is not just for vitamins anymore. Name required. Email will not be published required. Website not required. Paycation website Alexa traffic estimates for show a brief recruitment bubble followed by a steady decline: Prior to Paycation Bradley was promoting Pro Travel Network, yet another travel niche business opportunity.
On February 1, founder J. Kim Sorenson died at the age of You sign up, pay monthly fees and get paid on any travel booked through your agent portal. Approach with caution. Oz, your Cauthen short bio has a date error… Roger that, thanks for the pickup. Such is life. Still, when I say I work with InteleTravel, other agents tell me differently. Who is correct? There is plenty of money to be made by. Just like anything else it requires work. Which is why you failed to point out even one?
Ozedit: offtopic derails removed. Leave this field. Wakaya trial scheduled for May CT Passive Review: 1. BehindMLM’s advertising partners use cookies to collect data for ad personalization and measurement. For more information on use of collected data and cookies moneh refer to our Privacy Policy. Accept and close Privacy Policy.
PlanNet Marketing Scam & The #1 Problem With PlanNet Marketing
The PlanNet Marketing Compensation Plan
PlanNet Marketing is the most recent multi-level marketing company. It is a business that deals on operating in the world of the travel industry. There are two names listed on the website. It is an MLM opportunity that deals with the travel industry. In this company, affiliates are paid when marieting enlist new members to join the affiliate program. Marketign was called Pro Travel Network. He was promoted to the position of President and Chief Financial Officer following this, in October The company faced some major issues throughout and PlanNet Marketing basically proffers their affiliates a type of custom website that allows them to book diverse travel packages. They can earn a commission when the affiliates book these plans via the PlanNet Marketing site. According to PlanNet Marketing, the agents are allowed to book travel destinations for their clients on their. They can work as often or as little as they prefer. PlanNet Marketing does not offer quotas or minimum requirements to join.
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