Log in or Sign up. Buy the saw, buy another as backup, repair saw, replace chain and bar, furnish truck to beat the crap outa, repair truck as necessary, gas and oil for truck and saw, buy wedges, mauls, sledges etc. Have tractor to drag logs out of the firewoo. Then furnish a place to stack and store wood while it drys. Then there’s the labor, cut the wood, split the wood, haul it in and stack it, and cover it then when dry, load it up, haul it and firewoof it. Pay for insurance and property taxes. Bear in mind the unemployed guy down the street needs money so he’s out cutting and selling firewood, undercutting sellong prices. Then your supposed to keep track of your sales and pay the state its share of sales taxes and timber taxes. All this and just hope you don’t have an accident and get hurt. I own 20 acres of alder, ash, maple, fir which I rarely cutand hemlock right in my backyard.
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Cutting and splitting wood on a brisk October day can be great for the spirit. It can also be good for the pocketbook, if you’re willing to sell the fruits of your labor. Here in the Fort Collins region of Colorado—as elsewhere in North America—the sale of firewood has skyrocketed since the so-called «energy crisis» of — One old-timer in the business tells me he’s doubled his earnings in just the past year. The same products seem to be selling just as well in other parts of the country, and any able—bodied homesteader looking for part-time or seasonal income need look no further than the firewood business to find it. Good, reliable tools are a must for any lumbering or logging enterprise The axe, of course, was the prime implement used by a woodcutter «in the good old days» and—while no longer as important as it once was—still comes in handy a hundred times a day when you’re working out in the woods. Get the best one you can buy, either single-bitted bladed or double-bitted, and keep it razor sharp at all times it’s the dull axe that glances off a hard knot and slices into your leg.
Make Money Selling Firewood
When the weather turns cold, consumers start looking for firewood. If you happen to be the lucky owner of an overabundance of logs from fallen trees, you may be seeing the business opportunity in your stockpile. But selling firewood is more complicated than you may realize. If, on the other hand, you see firewood sales as a business opportunity, inventory will be your first hurdle. Not everyone can grab a chainsaw and start cutting down trees. First, there are regulations; and this can be dangerous and very labor-intensive. However, if you do have access to excess firewood, you can make money.
The Proper Woodcutting Tools are Important
I have a woods behind my house and we recently just cut down this big tree in our backyard and I was thinking about cutting it up into small logs for firewood. If I had enough wood could I sell it? I’ve seen sites like craigslist where people are looking for firewood.
Is there a specific type of wood people want or would they buy it if it’s just from normal trees? Also how much could I sell the wood for? If there is a ready market in your area you could make money selling firewood -eventually.
Wood has to age for at least a year to be good for fireplaces. Not all trees offer the same type of firewood to burn in a fireplace. Burning hard wood vs. You could chop wood now and sell it as unseasoned wood, but most people are looking for seasoned wood that is ready to burn.
You probably could sell it, but you’d be taking advantage of someone, as being green, it wouldn’t make good fire wood. Wood needs to be aged allowed to dry before it is any good as firewood. Dense hardwood, like oak, needs a couple of years to cure.
Evergreens such as douglas fir can cure in a year. If you have a truck and are willing to deliver, you could get a better price. If you are willing to split and stack at the delivery site, you could make even. People generally expect the wood to be split at least into quarters.
Cutting the firewood into regular 16″ lengths are important. Firewood is sold by the cord, which when the wood is stacked, it occupies a volume that is 4 foot high by 4 foot deep in rows 8 feet long. People generally prefer a hard czn like oak, walnut, cherry over the less desirable cottonwood, alder, or willow.
You could look at Craigslist to see what people are getting in your area. Yes, you can sell it. The kind of wood will determine how much you can get for it. You will also get more money for seasoned wood. Seasoned wood means that it has been cut up and drying. This will make it burn a lot better with little fireqood.
To determine the price, determine what kind of wood you have and then check the prices in your local paper and craigslist. Have a look in the free section of Craigslist. There you will find people giving it away every other day. In the winter time it can be a different story. As already mentioned by others wood has to sit and season for a good long time before anyone will be willing to pay good money for it. People are always looking for firewood. However, freshly cut wood is firewoid good for burning.
I live in Virginia. Around here we call cheap goos «trees». Anything else is going to cost you. Trending News. Teacher who kneeled during CFP title game speaks. Deadly avalanche strikes California ski resort. Fired Cowboys coach reportedly lands a new job. Grammys CEO threatens to ‘expose’ academy. Experts share cqn not to do at a funeral. Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Cover of Eminem’s surprise album has hidden message. Answer Save. John Lv 4. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. My Life on the Deck Lv 5.
Roddy Lv 7. Bark is a recent problem, cord wood with bark can house Emerald Ash Borer. Master Roy. Judith Lv 4. Show more answers 1. Still have questions? Get your firewoo by asking .
#238 Starting A Firewood Business!
Make Money Selling Firewood
Log in or Sign up. Firewood Hoarders Club. Can you make money selling Firewood? I think I found the answer! Hope you enjoy. MMfrompaApr 16, Nice video! I know it’s not the point of your video, but sometimes it’s not about making money, looks like you’ve got that figured out already. Last edited: Apr 17, DaveGunterApr 17, WoodsnwoodsBackwoods Savage and Screwloose like. If you want to make money in firewood, start with a million and when you are done you should have at least a thousand left WoodsnwoodsyooperdaveBackwoods Savage and 4 others like. If you have free wood, and track expenses and hours worked, it’s possible. Charge accordingly and you can make money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. WoodsnwoodsBackwoods Savage and blacksmith like .
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