After seven years of promises, President Orf Obama again vowed last week to close Guantanamo Bay, but for Hillary Clintonif elected hillarry, another prison-closure issue may loom larger — and be as tough to solve: the growth of for-profit privately run prisons across the United States. Bernie SandersD-Vt. On the campaign trail, Clinton said that «we should end private prisons and private detention centers. But it’s tough talk that could prove difficult to enact as presidential policy, involving issues of federalism, since many of the private prisons around the country are under state and local contracts, and legislative efforts to change current laws that would be opposed by the status quo support for private prisons. The for-profit prison industries and publicly-traded companies, such as GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of Americahave grown in recent decades prieon a result of a ballooning prison population. The federal government, under former Attorney General Eric Holder, began a policy of reducing the total number of inmates in federal facilities. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, how does hillary clinton make money off the prison system more thaninmates were held in private prison facilities, a decrease of 2, prisoners from But BJS says seven states housed at least 20 percent of their inmate population in private facilities at the end ofincluding New Mexico, Montana, Oklahoma and Hawaii. And since BJS first started tracking these statistics, the size of the private prison population has grown 90 percent from — Updated data through will be released this summer. Non-profit In the Public Interest has estimated that these two companies represent roughly 75 percent of the private prison industry. Marshalls’ facilities. The remaining 49 percent how does hillary clinton make money off the prison system state and other municipalities e. GEO operates approximately locations, including correctional, detention, community reentry, youth treatment and day reporting facilities.
2013 and 2014
Note: This page is a reproduction of the Hillary for America policy proposal on criminal justice reform. A significant percentage of the more than 2 million Americans incarcerated today are nonviolent offenders. African American men are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white men found guilty of the same offenses. To successfully reform our criminal justice system, we must work to strengthen the bonds of trust between our communities and our police, end the era of mass incarceration, and ensure a successful transition of individuals from prison to home. As president, Hillary will focus on a few key areas. Today in America, more than one out of every adults is behind bars. This mass incarceration epidemic has an explicit racial bias, as one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. A significant number of those incarcerated are held for low-level, nonviolent offenses. We must end the era of mass incarceration by:. This year, the number of people released from state or federal prison will reach approximately , For the sake of everyone given a second chance—as well as the health and safety of the communities to which they return—the pathway to re-entry should offer a fair opportunity for success. Hillary will work to remove barriers and create pathways to employment, housing, health care, education, and civic participation, including:. Press enter to search. Home About Latest Policy Contact. Criminal justice reform Note: This page is a reproduction of the Hillary for America policy proposal on criminal justice reform. Strengthen bonds of trust between communities and police Effective policing and constitutional policing go hand in hand. Acknowledging that implicit bias still exists across society—even in the best police departments—and tackle it together. Strengthening the U. Doubling funding for the U. Across the country, there are police departments deploying creative and effective strategies that we can learn from and build on. Hillary will provide assistance and training to agencies that apply these best practices Providing federal matching funds to make body cameras available to every police department in America. End the era of mass incarceration Today in America, more than one out of every adults is behind bars. We must end the era of mass incarceration by: Reforming mandatory minimum sentencing. Excessive federal mandatory minimum sentences keep nonviolent drug offenders in prison for too long—and have increased racial inequality in our criminal justice system.
Passing judgment
For the latest business news and markets data, please visit CNN Business. It caused the stocks of two leading publicly traded jail owners to tank on Tuesday. Corrections Corp. Both stocks have been hit hard this year due to worries about the eventual loss of federal funding — and concerns that states may also end the use of private correctional facilities. Clinton expressed strong support for ending the private prison system during the presidential debate with Donald Trump on Monday night. You shouldn’t have a profit motivation to fill prison cells with young Americans. Related: DOJ to end use of private prisons. This isn’t the first time Clinton has called for the end of private prisons though. In a tweet last October, she wrote that «protecting public safety» shouldn’t be «left to unaccountable corporations. Protecting public safety Both stocks dipped that day following her tweet. What’s that old «Law and Order» tag line? Ripped from the headlines? Moody’s downgraded the credit ratings of Corrections Corp. Other Wall Street analysts are growing increasingly sour on the business of incarceration as well. Earnings estimates for the two companies have been drastically cut in the past two months. Analysts now expect both sales and profits for Corrections Corp.
“You just sell it like you were selling cars, or real estate, or hamburgers.”
David Rutz breaks down the most important news about the enemies of freedom, here and around the world, in this comprehensive morning newsletter. Sign up here and stay informed! Three strikes sentencing laws mandate life sentences for anyone who commits a crime «no matter how minor» if they already have two prior convictions for violent or serious crimes. Today, 28 states mandate heavier sentences for repeat offenders. The federal and state prison populations increased dramatically under Bill Clinton, according to a February report. Justice Department statistics by the left-leaning Justice Policy Institute, a project of a San Francisco-based justice center, found that more federal inmates were added to prisons under Clinton than under presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan combined. In all, the prison population jumped by , under Clinton—, higher than under Ronald Reagan. He was the one who signed it,» she said. Clinton has taken hundreds of thousands in bundled contributions from lobbyists who represent the private prison industry during the election cycle. Sullivan is a partner at the Washington, D. Numerous other Clinton bundlers also are tied to the private prison industry, The Intercept reported. Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He can be reached at Schoffstall freebeacon. His Twitter handle is JoeSchoffstall. Subscribe to our Morning Beacon Newsletter. Subscribe to our Beacon Extra Newsletter.
Secretary of State; previously Democratic Senator (NY)
On Friday morning, the campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton announced they will no longer accept donations from federally registered lobbyists or PACs for private prison companies. For me, it was a big deal, because my dad was detained in a Geo facility. Activists are still concerned however, that Clinton has not yet released a criminal justice reform plan, though she has said one is currently in the works. Black Lives Matter has also met multiple times with the Clinton campaign to demand reforms that address mass incarceration and police violence. These companies also routinely pressure lawmakers to pass bills that will guarantee them more inmates by criminalizing low-level offenses. Rubio has received tens of thousands of dollars in donations from private prison companies, going back to his time in the Florida legislature, and has hired consultants and staffers who used to work for these companies. As his prospects in the race for the GOP nomination improveRubio has been distancing himself from his own past proposals for immigration reform.
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