Built for advertisers. Set your budget, target your visitors, get traffic. Create Your Ad. Quora is a bit of a strange platform. For years they have struggled to monetize, operating largely on seed capital while they figure out how to build from a Make money by posting responses Answers clone into a useful resource for a wide variety of topics. Some of you might know that recently they launched a partner program. This program allows people who ask questions to earn money based on the quality of the answers and, presumably, the traffic the page acquires. The partner program is quite interesting, in that it operates like a revenue share program the same way sites like Hubpages pay their writers.
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By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. The most obvious is building a reputation and being offered a job thanks to that reputation. This is common in the open-source world and in other areas as well , especially if you work on a project of particular commercial interest. Again, I do not want to debate whether or not it’s okay or right or just or whatever to make money on any of these sites. I fully agree making this site «commercial» with paid questions, answerer ads, etc. I also understand the vast majority of people contribute as a service to the community. I think that’s wonderful and I appreciate that sort of commitment very much. An answer of «they don’t» is fully acceptable. I’d also be curious if there are any other answers. A Stack Exchange site reputation showing the users’ activity history can back up a so-called experts’ claim nicely. When you build respect and trust with your peers, good things tend to happen. Sometimes, they involve monetary rewards or a means to them, such as a job where your peers once again decide if you are worth your salt or not. Honestly, the people who make the most money from Stack Overflow are the ones asking the questions, not the ones answering them. There might be some people who are paid to give answers on Stack Overflow or on other SE sites , most probably because these are questions about a product they have to support. Some examples: I’ve seen Versant employees on Stack Overflow answering questions on db4o though I’m not sure if they are doing this in their free time or on the job , and I heard there are some Trello developers on WebApps Stack Exchange answering and even asking Trello questions. But this is a small minority of all answerers, I suppose. I don’t count answers on the meta sites by SE employees, which also fall in this category. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. How do users of Stack Overflow make money? Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 3 months ago. Viewed 23k times. I would like to know simply, if anyone is making money on Stack Overflow, how are they doing it? Anne Daunted GoFundMonica 6, 5 5 gold badges 15 15 silver badges 46 46 bronze badges. Related now closed Programmers question: Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job? Well, I think Jon Skeet could create new accounts, push them to 10k in to time and sell them on Ebay. Asylum: Do you think people would really pay for 10k accounts? How do people make money on Stack Overflow?
5 Ways You Can Start Immediately!
It never ceases to amaze me how many cool and interesting ways there are to make money online. You can actually get paid to answer questions through some top answer and question sites. These websites pay people like you for answering common questions on various topics. If you have knowledge in a certain field, these sites will pay you to answer questions via text message, live chat or email, depending on the site. You can always do research to figure it out or use your own personal experience to position yourself as an expert in a particular field. Here is a list of the top answer and question sites if you want to make money online for answering questions:. JustAnswer is a great place to start if you have a specific expertise. This website lets people post many different kinds of questions and receive answers from doctors, lawyers, nurses, mechanics, electricians, plumbers, writers, finance experts etc. There are more than categories to choose from. When applying to become an Expert on JustAnswer, make sure you fit in one of these lists of categories. You will need to verify your credentials for your area s of expertise requirements vary by category before you can start earning money for answering questions in your chosen category or categories. Now you may be wondering, why would people pay to get their questions answered when they can probably just find the answer online for free elsewhere? As an expert, you can work when you want and from wherever you want. By becoming an expert on JustAnswer, you can make money doing what you love while helping people and making their lives easier. Ether is a site that allows you to make money by selling your knowledge to others via phone or through email. Once you sign up to the site, you will get your Ether phone number My Ether a 8-digit extension that is unique to you. Then, set it to forward calls to your actual phone number that could be your cell, home, and work number. It takes 2 minutes to set it up and it is free to get your Ether phone number. You can set the hours just when you want to take calls. Your phone only rings when people have prepaid your rate. Studypool is a great place for freelancers to find work online. This site lets you make money by answering student homework questions and assignments from home. If you have skills and expertise in a particular academic subject, then you can tutor at Studypool. Once you sign up, simply start browsing student home questions, provide answers and get paid. There are over 30 subjects to choose from. Studypool is a reputable site used by thousands of students and freelancers everyday to find and post work. You have full freedom to choose when you want to work and where you want to work from as long as your work is delivered on time.
More info on these sites:
Quora has million monthly users making it a great sales channel to tap into with your marketing. Quora is a platform where users can pose questions and others can answer. Quora Marketing Example : Oberlo has a Quora business page. On it, we answer any Oberlo related questions people may have. Several people at Oberlo engage on the platform as we all have different specialities where we can better help our users. When looking at our Quora page, pay attention to how members of our team answer your questions. Quora is a platform where people ask questions, that are open to answers from the community of Quora. In the initial years it was mostly being used by people who were familiar with the Silicon Valley scene. However, in only a year it started getting recognized by a few news stories, and slowly started gaining popularity. You can use Quora to drive traffic to your ecommerce site, to understand topics better, and to familiarise yourself with issues that concern your brand or business. The thread of Quora seems to be popular because of the user-generated content and the distinct mode of interaction. You can find all sorts of questions being answered on Quora, including categories such as travelling, journalism, finance, philosophy, and many more.
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There are many ways to make money online. You can sell your own products such as ebook, courses and other items, you can become an affiliate marketer to promote other people products. But do you know, You can also write articles for money.
I have been writing articles for many years. You can write articles about different topics. I am interested in web design, development, and blogging. In this article, I am going to share a list of websites that pay writers for articles.
Feel free to contact them directly for more details. Before writing articles for the following website write and publish few articles on your own blog. You need to show them that you are an expert and you can write great articles. You need to share samples of your writings.
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It means You can write articles about any of these topics. Does their audience seem to be congruent with your reeponses Can you match it, or come close? Based on the research above, think of a few angles that tie in your expertise with the stuff that their existing audience is responding well to. Grab their attention with strong proposed headlines. Share few articles ideas and link to your previously written postiny. Share some post ideas. I know you receive a lot of emails.
My message is short and simple. I am an experienced blogger, I have been featured on [blog 1], [Blog 2], [BLog 3] and many other blogs.
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AppStorm succeeds based on a talented community of passionate writers and software users. ElitePersonalFinance make the process very easy for talented writers and their approval process is very simple and fast they have a very high acceptance rate. If your article is accepted, you will be getting paid in less than 24 hours via PayPal.
They are looking to post a high volume of quality content, and they cannot keep make money by posting responses with demand. If you are planning to write an article to earn some extra money every month you can start writing for. There are many other websites that pay their writers. If you are writing for any website, which pays writers. Share with other readers pposting add your comments.
I am a Blogger and I know the value of writing the best content that attracts audiences and visitors. Content writing is a very difficult task for every blogger and webmasters for their online business website. But today, I realized that this industry has great potential and if we developed our skill, chances are large to earn a great decent revenue. Wow, what an Amazing list of websites postkng pay writers.
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I have been using his writing services for sometimes now and he is the best so far. Your email responsees will not be published. Skip to main content. Before you start: Website Research Before writing articles for the following positng write and publish few articles on your own blog. Step 1. Website Research You can find a list of the website below, You need to do some research on.
Step 2: Brainstorm Your Killer Idea Based on the research above, think of a few angles that tie in your expertise with the stuff that their existing audience is responding well to. Step 3: Pitch the Website Make sure to review their submission guidelines if any. An example Pitch Hi, I know you receive a lot of emails. The headlines could be How to customize WordPress theme like a pro?
How to install and use Font Awesome icon font in WordPress? How to create a fixed navigation menu in WordPress? Payment: contact them for details Net AppStorm makw based on a talented community of passionate writers and software users.
ElitePersonalFinance ElitePersonalFinance make the process very easy for talented writers and their approval process is very simple and fast responess have a very high acceptance rate. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email kake will not be published.
How to Earn Money on YouTube: 6 Tips for Beginners
Before you start: Website Research
Sometimes websites like Yahoo Answers and Quora just aren’t enough for the more complex questions people. JustAnswer is one of the make money by posting responses highly-trafficked websites for paying people to answer questions. Also, if you want to be paid via PayPal, that is an option. KGB allows you to make money answering questions via text message. If you are in the US, Canada, or the Philippines, you can answer questions on this site. FixYa is more technical and the questions people ask are related more towards fixing electronics and other things. You earn points that you can redeem for rewards. Wonder allows you to get paid for answering questions from their research dashboard. You don’t get paid unless the customer is satisfied with the answer. PayPal is also an option for getting paid. The great thing about Live Person is you get paid via PayPal. You also get to set your own rate and work your own hours. To apply, make sure and check their careers page at the link above for chat jobs. Studypool, formerly known as Createpool, lets you make money by sharing your expertise much like the other sites on this list. What makes Weegy different from other sites on this list is they have a directory with answers to many questions on their. You get paid when you answer questions make money by posting responses aren’t in that directory. People are hired worldwide and they have both revenue sharing as well as upfront pay opportunities.
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