I did hear what one of those violinists charged as a fee for a single recital here a few years ago, but I may be remembering the actual amount completely wrong. I read Violonists was paiddollars in the 80’s to sing the national anthem at a soccer game. So, that Nuch guess means that it varies from person to person. Wow, this is interesting. I would have thought the artist’s management company would take care of. Or wait, do they receive the payment, take how much money do violinists make an hour of accommodation violunists, take their cut and then forward the rest to the artist? This is commonly the case with rock bands and pop singers, I know from past experience in hotel sales. Christian, do you know the answer here?
Salary Overview
The Fingerboard is focused on discussions relating to string instrument playing, practicing, technique, recent performances you’ve given or heard, the best CD of a particular piece and so on. Scroll through this forum to discuss upcoming instrument auctions, both on and off line. A great place to discuss current Ebay instrument listings. A forum in which makers can post photos and descriptions of their own work for the purpose of comment and critique. Luthiers may use this forum to trade and exchange tools and materials related to the manufacturing and repairing of stringed instruments. This forum is for announcements of upcoming concerts, workshops, summer festivals, masterclasses, and other events of an educational or performance nature. While not our specialty, many string players also play piano and keyboard, hence, the Keyboard discussion area. We have revived posts from the early days of Maestronet, including where possible the threading. These posts are a wealth of information. This forum is read-only. This forum is for Maestronet site news, and tech support issues related to the Maestronet web site.. Search In. All Activity Home Start new topic Forums. The Fingerboard The Fingerboard is focused on discussions relating to string instrument playing, practicing, technique, recent performances you’ve given or heard, the best CD of a particular piece and so on. The Auction Scroll Scroll through this forum to discuss upcoming instrument auctions, both on and off line. Contemporary Maker’s Gallery A forum in which makers can post photos and descriptions of their own work for the purpose of comment and critique. Luthier Exchange Luthiers may use this forum to trade and exchange tools and materials related to the manufacturing and repairing of stringed instruments. Music Happenings This forum is for announcements of upcoming concerts, workshops, summer festivals, masterclasses, and other events of an educational or performance nature. The Keyboard While not our specialty, many string players also play piano and keyboard, hence, the Keyboard discussion area. Early Posts — — We have revived posts from the early days of Maestronet, including where possible the threading. Maestronet News This forum is for Maestronet site news, and tech support issues related to the Maestronet web site.. Forum Statistics Total Topics. Total Members. Newest Member cviolin Joined 19 hours ago. Sign In Sign Up.
Replies (44)
The violin is one of the most expressive, well-known and versatile instruments you can play. Although many violinists concentrate on the classical repertoire, you also can play folk, jazz and even rock music. A superb violinist will enjoy national or international acclaim. However, one problem with being a professional violinist is that, like other people in the arts, wages often aren’t enough to cover all of your living expenses. The U. Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t provide statistical data just for violinists, but it does have data for all musicians, singers and related workers. These figures are a good guide for violinist earnings, although violinists may make more or less. Hourly figures are more appropriate for assessing earnings because most musicians are not salaried and gigs are not consistent. These figures represent a wage increase of 2.
10 Reasons Why Violin is the Hardest Instrument
Orchestral Salaries
A 1st violinist in a famous orchestra such as New York Philharmonic or Los Angeles Phil makes a decent living as. European orchestras may pay somewhat less but offer additional benefits. That should answer a lot of salary questions you have! Best job in America. Gigs playing weddings, parties, events with a quartet or something : Again, it’s quite variable depending on the area. Gigs are almost more about who you know and who can connect you to other people than your credentials. It’s a really interesting profession!
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